Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

but anything with electronics made in Taiwan ... has the potential of being a security problem.”

The impact of the XL cancellation is tiny in the context of global crude demand. Canada is building a pipeline from Alberta to the Pacific, which means that the oil will simply be sold to Asia instead of the U.S., which means the aggregate oil going into global inventory is the same. That Canadian oil will be oil

Tariffs on imports are nothing but a tax and will do little, if anything, to make domestic products more competitive overseas.

that pipeline was just so a canadian oil company could dodge taxes here in the states it wasnt gonna do a fucking thing for gas prices.  

I’m disappointed they’re still selling the same ol’ model. They need to capitalize on increasing prices and release a new model, the Great White edition. You get two layers; the shark name is the obvious one. The more subtle one appeals to people who are maybe a little too proud of their low concentration of melanin.

People don’t usually make their car purchases with logic in mind.

We just extended hours. 

The XL pipeline has pretty minimal impact on oil prices. The pipeline just makes it easier to ship crude from Alberta to the U.S., but it doesn’t change the amount of crude in the aggregate (at least in the near to medium term). Unlike natural gas, crude is a global market, so if crude isn’t making its way to the

Had to come into the office today for the first time in over a year and a half. I’m going back home during lunch and would be happy to never see this place again. Can’t overstate how much more productive I am at home and how much more sane I am NOT dealing with traffic. Oh and the one perk that is valuable but never

I mean, I controversially consider the 3er coupe a 2-door sedan as well

I like the purple color…. that’s about it.

It does look like some of the Toyota DNA has spread into the BMW design, doesn’t it?

Fuck that, hate it.

I dunno. It’s somewhere between “fine” and “good” for me. I’m not a fan of the front triangles on the 240i, nor am I a fan of how the rear taillights look like they’re too far apart.

My problem is that it’s trying so hard to look ‘sporty’, but fundamentally it’s a two-door sedan. The old one looked good IMO because it was a handsome, well-proportioned, classical BMW that could almost be traced back to the 2002.

I hate that BMW is moving away from the 4 round headlight design even if the new ones look ok. The triangle intakes are awful. The reasonable kidneys are a happy surprise, and I honestly like the aggressive fender treatment. Otherwise, I don’t mind the overall shape, but that’s a lot of added length. I also didn’t

But why can’t we get a stick on the performance option.”

As someone who currently owns a 2018 BMW 5 and had a terrible buying experience being nickled and dimed for every little thing that comes standard on Toyota Corollas let me just say I’m all about this Genesis.

Gold standard clean. 

It might be moreso because of inflation and production costs, but both Nathan’s and Ballpark come in packs of 8.