Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

Im not sure if you have been to vermont in the past year or not but I totally understand these residents concerns. The outdoor tourism has been huge this year and there are already a ton of idots tearing up our class 4s. We dont need more of them.

I grew up in Vermont and I don’t think most people are understanding what Class 4 Roads actually are.

That’s not their concern, so no. Their concern is a lot of extra traffic by tourist off-roaders degrading the roads and making noise.

The roads they’re talking about absolutely were not made for motor vehicles.

I think an advanced drivers license could be an additional source of revenue for the DMV.

But can it do 0-60 in under 5 seconds? Maybe that should be the measure more than straight HP.

I kinda agree here. Cars are more powerful than ever before... electric vehicles are now capable of supercar 0-60 times for under $100k... just wait til some out-of-shape moron tries to launch his Model S Plaid+ and blacks out from the g-forces... hell, my vision was blurred for a second while launching a Model X

I only have a Miata, but I'm usually faster with traction control on as well.

I don’t understand why traction control is some big bad awful “nanny” to these guys. It’s there to keep you safe and keep others around you safe and I assure you in a car with that much power the only place it could POSSIBLY be limiting you is at the absolute bleeding edge of performance on a track. I have a 650hp Z06

I sure hope you didn’t spill your beer too..

That caveat requires some sort of agreement made and arguing that there was some sort of competition goin on in court is a pain. C&C isn’t a performance event so they will be hard pressed to prove any type of organized illegal competition. He wasn’t racing anyone, there wasn’t anyone tracking him for the purpose of

Honest question: in circumstances like this where other party is at-fault (clearly), would Silverado driver be able to go after the other driver/insurer to get his “gap” covered?

Said another way, is the gap only a problem when it’s your own fault?  

If he’s insured, his insurance will cover it. All the video does is establish that he was at fault, and that’s what liability insurance covers.

I’m reminded of when Clarkson-era Top Gear reviewed some kind of car that was trying to be a road-legal F1 car, and James May commented (paraphrase) that, “It’s amazing that there are regulations for where this turn signal light has to be placed, but there’s no restriction on fast the car is allowed to go.”

It makes sense to have a ‘high horsepower’ license endorsement.

These videos cause ambulance chaser attorney's to have, as Clarkson would say, a crisis.

Communist thinking like this is keeping us from being great again. [crashes schoolbus while commenting]

I say this as an unabashed car nut and Scat Pack owner - they really shouldn’t be able to sell 700+ HP to any Tom, Dick and Asshole that strolls into a Dodge dealer with a payday loan.  You should have to get certified to handle power like this.

But enough about Nascar...

People who hang out hoping to video a crash are low life bottom feeders.  Also, I watch all their crash videos.