Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

I’m confused why you’re waiting? This and that are separate issues. I don’t see this being “Canceled”, I see parents overreacting to fuck up a teacher’s life because they’re idiots.

Cancel culture has always been more of a right-wing thing anyway. Cancel culture started with the Hollywood Blacklist, and continued destroying the careers of anyone LGBT+, the Dixie Chicks, Colin Kaepernick, and a bunch of other people. They’re only mad about it now because it’s being used against them.

“the Dems nowadays handing out money with no means testing whatsoever”

Which doesn’t change the fact that conservatives were happy as pigs in mud to borrow and spend without any regard toward paying it back —- as long as the spending only helped the top 4 percentals.

Conservatives have expressed worry about inflation for at least 30 years for no reason except to block government programs that would help the bottom 60% of the population.

The Government can borrow for less than 1%. If I could get a loan for next to nothing I’d be knee deep in debt too.

I’ve been telling people this for months, yet I always get that one anecdote that someone can still find a beater for under $1000.

1) The tax cuts and stimulus were financed by debt, not by printing more money, so hyper-inflation is unlikely.

Used cars are going up in price in part because people would rather have a bigger more luxurious car than a new car of smaller size.”

Not that I’m a Whedon fanboy or anything, guy is probably a creep, but Age of Ultron was a lot better than any of the DC stuff and a lot better than some give it credit for. As for who fucked up JL... it’s pretty obvious that Zack Snyder can’t make a good film to save his life... soooo...

Get the hatch version, looks wise, its basically clean design Civic.

There’s apparently a 5-door hatch version, and the rear reminds me of a very modernized EG hatch

I think a more factual answer is that he was popular among centrists and moderates, including a firm base of support upstate. I know it’s in vogue to tar ‘liberals’ as some sort of Democrat-in-name-only, but electorally and ideologically it isn’t really true. Signed, a progressive liberal who voted against Cuomo in


I sure hope it was a wagon, because the idea of that many people crammed into a sedan do not make for a comfortable mental picture!

the car he was driving, a 2000 Ford Taurus, was hauling four adults, three children and one child, an infant, wasn’t secured. In addition to the definitely overloaded car,

Totally looks like Mazda’s new font. Here’s a comparison between the font on Mazda’s site (top) and Optima (bottom). Of course Mazda calls their new font “Mazda Type” and while there are a few minor differences, it is mostly the same (at least to fairly amateur eyes such as mine). If you click to enlarge you can see

Change the channel, Marge.

I always thought it was odd he lived in that dream house, with a beautiful wife, a son who owns a factory and lobster for dinner.. Meanwhile I live in a single room over a bowling alley and under another bowling alley.

If what I’ve observed in the corporate world translated to cartoon Springfield, his incompetence would mean he would have been promoted several times by now and making an enviable salary doing his job badly.