Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

Speaking from experience, it’s not THAT easy on some cars. On the 987.1 Caymans/Boxsters it isn’t a “once you’re in there” solution. It’s a split the engine open solution. Some cars can easily be swapped/upgraded, but not all.

At that mileage, it’s a non issue. From the site that specializes in retrofits:

That stood out more than anything- if you are doing the clutch you do the IMS.

It’s not the mileage that scares me. And I agree, that if the IMS hasn’t gone yet, it’s probably safe....but if you changed the clutch and did not do the IMS, I think that’s just being cheap and makes me wonder what else he was on cheap.

This from the “Get you ass out there and earn some money!” series.

Do I do

Making sure to include the panel gap checks in the video: priceless.

I wouldn’t trust those robots.  They’re probably increasing/decreasing the panel gaps by a few millimetres every couple of cars and giggling amongst themselves when we don’t notice. All just to fuck with us.

*insert Stevie Wonder holding gap tool*

So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.

Well that’s exactly the trick. Make it take as long as possible and be as difficult as possible to lower you BAC as much as possible by the time they can finally draw your blood. There was an article a few years ago on here about a lawyer who specializes in DWI and DUI cases (in Florida i think, duh) ditching his

One of my dumbass friends was in this situation a couple years ago - he failed the field sobriety test, but the officer did not have a breathalyzer on him, and the one at the station was FUBAR. So he had to be hauled to the hospital for a blood draw. By which time he was at .07. So he was shitting bricks waiting for

Nailed it. 


Obama accomplished more than people remember.

Next you’re going to tell me the Republican party is nothing but a but a party full of grifters and con-men/women trying to extract and offshore as much of the wealth from this country that they can. Then you’ll try to convince me the Republican base is a bunch of fools falling over themselves to try to out racist the

Neutral: Being a trans, a lesbian, and a witch made living in Trump’s America an anxiety nightmare. 

Anyone buying these expecting to make a profit is going to be sorely disappointed when they find out how many of them are going to be made.

EPA estimates for EVs are under in most cases. Part of this may be due to them not taking driving habits of EV users into account. Part of it may be that the testing is not done in an environment like the car will actually be in (since most EVs are in California). It’s not a hit job, it is adapting standards to new

Yeah but can I drive it from my house in Cheyenne, Wyoming to my job in Huntsville, Alabama without spending more than 3 minutes stationary and outside the car at any point? Checkmate liberals.