
Why is everyone here referring to that car having "too much" camber? To me, it looks like it's got excessively negative camber, not positive ;) I use -1.25 on all four corners to help a nose heavy understeering pig defy physics, and it doesn't look stupid, either.

Corvette GTR-1? ;)

The customers keep buying...

Me too!

I started PC gaming on the "golden trifecta:" C64, AppleIIe, and blazing fast 4.77Mhz PC clones with 4 color graphics (after an upgrade from a sick Hercules monochrome setup.) The ENTIRE Ultima series (except Pagan, maybe) is well worth revisiting. Ultima IV was the one that pretty much started my addiction to

That is one of my all-time favorites.

Mazdaspeed Protege struts bolt right in...

I never understood the point of advertising that your car had that particular motor ;)

You are so right on both counts. I am one of those who think that the GTR would be better served with a true manual. Along with every other "supercar" out there. People buying "driver's cars" for drag racing is part of the problem.

Unless you live in the southern US, where it's pretty much trucks, SUV, CUVs and Malibus, I'd suggest opening your eyes. That way, you can see my 2000MY A6 2.7TQM with 170k miles on it flashing its brights at you to quit parking in the left lane :) It runs great, doens't have many major issues, and is in fine shape

I was really hoping to see a teal green 3rd gen. Is there really any other color for that car?

Oh, I will never let go. She likes strip bars and powder skiing, too!

This car is on the top of my "someday I want another old Chevy" list. Much more attainable than a C2 Vette in any condition.

Is the other vehicle a Jeep with whitewalls? WTF?


If they start projecting analog gauge faces, sign me up. Digital speed readouts still give me flashbacks from my mom's 1986 NYer "turbo."

Exporting "culture" and spreading "freedom," all in a day's work for America!

Were your childhood saturday mornings filled with Johnny Quest and Space Ghost?

What a douche. I'm sure he doesn't try to get out of paying his taxes, either...

Good luck with your karma, bro.