
Kill it with small arms fire.

If he got fired from every job he had, how did he afford a shotgun?

@Phintastic: Stomp your hands, snort coke with your feet?

Not that hot, or just not my type. I like real women not "Real Dolls"

Now that I have a good pack to A-frame carry my skis, I can go skinning on a bike. What's a good sportbike that can handle a little spring snowfall?

Fuckin rad. Everyone who thinks this car is slow needs to:

@Desu-San-Desu: Understeer (especially with aggressive turn-in) is "ironed in" to every production car. Period. Even 911s nowadays.

It's been a good time to buy a used C5 Z06 for a few years now...

Good-bye roadhead.

Was your C5 a 6MT? It's also nice to know the oil isn't >200 when you shut it down, as well :) Does she hate automatics and like strip bars? Brother, where have you been all my life?

Hell, I'd watch NASCAR if every other race was a road course. Seriously.

BTW, 4HP and 50lb-ft down doesn't mean much if the torque curve is flat, such as a "biturbomotor" will typically deliver...

What's the weight comparison?

@wcaswell: I've been wanting to see a -V at a track day, too. Someday, they'll outnumber the E36s and FFR Cobras...

Sorry, but I LOVE louvered rear windows. Sure as hell don't know why.

I feel that way about the passenger mirror feature. My (her old) C5 A6 rolls the passenger mirror down when you go into reverse gear so you can park it 1mm from the curb. Her B7 A4 doesn't have that feature. Hello, wheel rash...

Agreed on all counts.

Except the Miura

Hydraulic (automatic) transmissions. Can't think of one worse ;)

Does anyone know which tire manufacturers support this bullshit? I'd like to organize a boycott.