


The black, red-lined rims make it look cheaper than it is. That goes for all the orange inside, as well. I like the clear sideblades, though not as much as a sideblade-delete. It's the only facet of the original car I'm not totally in lust with.

I knew Milwaukee swallowed.

Boatlopnik? Japanlopnik? It's all connected. We're all connected. You have to open your eyes to see, though.

It's REALLY F'n nice, but too much green. I'd do $8k maybe. Beautiful work there.

And all the new ways to put ads inbetween us and our carcentric content!

No way, I refuse to believe that Jeremy Clarkson has an attitude. Now, that Tiff guy from 5th gear...

Is that the only reason you've commented here? Wrong blog, you want www.gizmodo.com. You can hate on the iPhone all you want there. Wear nomex underwear...

Engine swap! Think that turbo will fit a 4g63? If it is made by MHI, would it be legal in Street Mod?

No, you'd just have to deal with lots of drivers that are way too old to be safe behind the wheel.

The A-Team's GMC van.

OK, so tire technology has improved immensely! Granted, engine control is probably the best overall improvement, allowing more power along with relatively decent gas mileage. IMHO, throwing modern tires on the General would have evened this test out quite a bit, even in the drag race.

People are stupid, but Americans are the stupidest. They'd rather subsidize drug companies, the MIC, and the prison industry than schools for the deaf...

I find new and different people, cultures, and experiences interesting. But, then again, I am an open-minded progressive communist/proletarian. I'm sure someday I'll be nice to the wrong person and they'll kill me.

The most fun you can have while getting 30+MPG? Driving your APR stage I 2.0TFSI to go skiing for the day. And getting dumped on...

A manual transmission! There is still hope in this world.

I think turbos are the best sounding of all mufflers ;)


Yeah, sucks without a manual. Some folks want the funnest, not the fastest. Especially in a simple sports car. Drive a Miata sometime...