
Reminds me of when my parents agreed to let the school fingerprint me in the 7th grade, for no reason other than to "make it easier to find me if I get lost or kidnapped."

VTOL just kicked in, yo!

@LappingLuke: If you wrote a paper in a core requirement class, it must be true, huh? How about those times when surviving a crash means avoiding it? I dodged an SUV on the way up the mountain last winter. After missing me by 6", he 270d into the guardrail, crossing into oncoming traffic, then back across the two

@slippery.shoe: Holy shit that was funny. Made my night.

At least it didn't say "the person that was in your ass."

Who doesn't love learning about Bucky Balls?

@Dingoangst: Wrong :). We're GREAT at starting wars. It's the finishing part that we suck at. We're not really trying because very profitable corporations simultaneously supply and command the military AND our politicians.

So, basically, this means we could have only destroyed 8/9 of the world three times over. Bummer.

FKNA right.

My second most fun trackday was in the rain. Suddenly the track was much more technical, and rainbows shot out from under everybody's tires when the sun broke out. Granted, lots of cars quit when the rain came out, so less traffic could have had something to do with it too.

@OMGItsWeasel: My LaserDisc player still thinks Blade Runner: The Director's Cut is the best movie ever.

@Sleepinglucid: I'm guessing the track isn't infinitely long

@oopsmyeye: I think he's saying the guy shit is pants pretty badly.


Those markings are corner worker stations. The track will be open to the public for a fee, to make up for the revenue the show will lose.

@wkiernan: You're right. Also, most successful racers don't get stoned until after the race.

@car_guy2010: Drug testing is a whole nother racket, and pretty much serves to discriminate against marijuana users and enrich the companies that perform them and the insurance companies who encourage such invasion of privacy. There is no reason people can't smoke outside of the job, just like alcohol after work is

@wkiernan: I enjoy herb as much as the next lifelong smoker. I absolutely could do my job stoned. Just not NEAR as well, due to the insane amount of multitasking and data organization. I actually do have to use 100% of my brainpower to do it well. Forgetting a small detail can be huge. I used to be a professional