
I actually saw my first live Tesla Roadster this morning on my way to work. I raced it. It's a little faster than a stock DSM with the BCS restrictor removed, that's for sure. At least off the line. Dude was pretty old, but still had fun. I'm 36, is that too old to want to stoplight race a Tesla?

@Grive: Tell that to William Shatner. I fucking dare you!

As long as it can be open for $200-$250 track days when I visit my sister, I'm happy.

@bygeorge: Nah, not really. I just felt compelled to continue my theme of following a safe driving rant with "take it to the track." I don't know if I could handle mixing track day bliss with a "down under kiss."

I guess you can say "fuck" in a headline! Jalopnik FTW.

I gave up getting roadhead a long time ago. Waaay too distracting. It's unpossible to maintain a constant speed, much less drive safely. That's why I take it to a racetrack.

Congrats, you bad mamma jamma, you!

Dig the wheels

@11thRS: Coke and ass covered faces in monaco :)

Another SpeedSports car I would like to test drive:

@speakerboy: Golf TDI's are near the top of my list for a fun, efficient commuter. I love our two turbocharged, AWD cars, but they both get 20 MPG in the city.

@speakerboy: That's a swap my wife and I would both be into ;)

Sweet. Can't wait to buy one to use as a commuter, put huge tires on it with body lift, giant mudflaps, and crank up the fueling. Then brag to my friends about how I get 18MPG.

@VeeArrrSix: This is my rifle. This is my gun. This one's for fighting. This one's for fun...

What is this, fucking England?

@OOglebooze: Uusil, we have stop sign the likes of which god has never seen...

@OOglebooze: You just wish your name was a killing word.

At least they didn't say, "no latinas," "no pink tacos."