Not with that interior.
Not with that interior.
It looks cool from the outside, but the interior is terrible and the car itself is a big old box of "meh". FWD never really served any purpose other than to disappoint... and I say that as a 2008 Acura TL owner. Literally, FWD is my only complaint on that car. If it was AWD, I would be spending so much money…
Yea haha; I was a little angry at that. Saving up for a used 2006 LGT wagon; currently driving a 2004 Outback H6.
I would buy it in a heartbeat. I've always loved these cars.
I think that most of the fault here is with the Lada.
1. Keep your car running well.
I've seen the real Arrested Development stair car because it was at my college when they were filming in late august (secret location ;) ). That being said... I think this race will be amazingly entertaining to watch, but probably not all that safe. Anything with that high a center of gravity looks downright scary…
Old Camries, Corollas, Civics, and Accords. Basically the usual beige-mobiles.
Nissan 240SX for maaaaaaad drifting and just general modifying
500-hp Subaru engine sounds really cool actually; count me into the group of people who are actually really excited about this car even though I'll probably never own one hahaha.
Yeah, this thing was cornering flatter than most modern cars, and it was HAULING!!!!
First time I auto-crossed was in my 2004 Subaru Outback H6 LLBean Edition. Bone stock, full mom stat.
I own a 2008 Acura TL, in my opinion the last "great" Acura. I have a small list of problems with the '08, but a much larger list of problems with all of Acura's latest non-SUV offerings.
-LS9 into a Jaguar XJ12, then modify it for drifting. Drift-uar.
This thing is already lethal!!!
Yes, I would.