Me Boosta

I remember, but I didn’t think it was weird.

Don’t most Dodge products?

Seriously? How is this post-worthy. How do people own cars and not know what these are.

Further up in the thread a commercial pilot says that the BA flight was probably requested to take a look-see at the non-responsive flight to see if anything appeared out of whack as it was close to the other flight. I’m sure they probably use all available options, including calling in the air force.

Counterpoint: the Uncle Drew ads are fine.

Why not just NOT have fake tips not attached to the pipes?

Why is this on my car blog?!?!?

Oh good, it’s not just me. It seems like NPC’s are specifically acting batshit crazy during Import/Export missions and not as much in freeroam (aside from their normal batshit craziness).

Why is this a thing? Trying to find blame on the person did nothing wrong.

To be completely fair, passing on the right isn’t against the law... unlike fleeing the scene of an accident ;)

isn’t this from last year? or even 2015? I swear FTA already posted this...

Many, many drunks do not have any other way to get around. No bus. No friends or friends that are too drunk or asleep. No family.

Not to mention the disjointed copy/paste language about the armament. Uninformed regurgitation of out of context sensationalist bits from other sources is not the way to continue Foxtrot Alpha.


The Kursk is quieter.

“My crowd was bigger than Obama’s in ‘09 if you take out the people who were at his inauguration illegally.” - Donald Trump

Even though the game is pretty meaningless, it’s still pretty dipshit by the NBA to schedule this as the last game of a 6 game road stretch.

It looks like a stupid, low-brow, cash-in on the nostalgia of millions.

Easily the worst thing about college football is that both teams can’t lose.

His secret service detail will drop every mustang owner as a potential threat