Me Boosta

I don’t understand this particular character trait, as this movie is set too far into the future for Jim to plausibly remember a time when humans were needed to fix stuff by hand, but hey, I’m no screenwriter.

In our defense it was mostly anyone who didn’t live in a real city. Columbus, Cleveland, Cincy and Toledo and the counties they are located in were trending heavily for Hillary.
But in towns that aint go no jobs and in which you can use the word “methy” to define their populace, they were all in on the Greatening of

I thought he was going to the HoF anyways—-2 WS titles, one absolutely historic for the comeback and curse-breaking.

This is the Cubs year:

The birth of the diffuser killed the bumper-mounted turbos of the 935s.

This is the beginning of the end for LMP1 and the WEC.

Corso: So, whats the biggest mistake you have ever seen me make?

There’s always one.

Diana Moskovitz is a treasure. Her reporting on the legal issues tranversing professional sports and the system are excellent.

So Bauer cut his finger on his drone WHILE he was supposed to be pitching?! Well ok then, I can’t support that. I had assumed it happened away from work and that comments like this came idiotic mouth breathers who think pro athletes aren’t allowed to have hobbies on their time off. Thanks for clearing this up!

You might want to add this for the Odor-esque, KO by Roberto Perez.

I’m going to assume less than people kill.

Props to Bauer for giving it a try.

The Indians social media team has been on point all season long.

Cleveland’s response

Thanks, Stef, for showing me some of the best background audio to listen to while I’m working. This is fantastic.

You’re not wrong, It IS stereo. But most stereo recordings don’t take in the distance between your ears, your ear shape and the minor (nano seconds sometimes) delay between sounds hitting one ear vs the other.

Let’s start the hall of fame debate! I say no.

Then you’re an idiot. Because there’s more on the ballot than just the presidential candidates, and there are more presidential candidates than the two major party candidates. If you stay home because you don’t like Trump or Clinton, you’re allowing all the current Senators and Representatives who are up for