I agree totally. This situation sucks out loud. I guess at least this way I’ll have a few keepsakes if this vital pipeline of information and business is shut down.
I agree totally. This situation sucks out loud. I guess at least this way I’ll have a few keepsakes if this vital pipeline of information and business is shut down.
It’s great that you want to personally support USPS, but lets not get the idea that the citizens need to step up and give extra money for them to survive. They are a government program that is supposed to be funded by our tax dollars. This whole funding problem is happening because our government is letting us down...…
OR we could stop requiring the USPS to pre-fund pensions and make operational changes without having to consult with Congress, and the entire thing would be cleared up in a matter of months.
USPS doesn’t need your help. It is intentionally prevented from having a surplus by our idiots in congress because they do not want the Federal Governemnt to be making a profit on its citizens.
Agree! Also, get rid of that other constitutionally mandated public institution sucking on the government teet.
Sure, we could. In the same world where pandemic research is funded properly
This is an even dumber take than the “Why can black folks say the N-word” post.
Can we not save it by funding it properly instead? If we can waste billions on the F35 program for the military and also the marines, then surely we can fund something that actually improves lives?
I was waiting for the right wing talking points to make their way here. The USPS does NOT lose money because it allows Jeff Bezos and Amazon to “just drop packages on the floor” and say “deliver it.” The USPS actually breaks even or makes a tiny profit on operations every year. The ONLY reason that they need a bailout…
How about no so that sending and receiving mail can be accessible to everyone.
Why do you hate the Constitution?
“This is a required service for our democracy”
Technically it doesn’t operate it, it just ties its hands in order to make sure it can’t profit.
Came here to say this. It’s been a decades long campaign to bankrupt the postal service. Now that voting by mail is becoming more of a necessity, the USPS demise must happen as soon as possible. Screw you states that only vote by mail!
President Trump threatened to veto the next $2 trillion coronavirus aid package if it includes funds to save the storied institution. (Because honestly, why would you include funds to save the employer of more than 2 million Americans in a U.S. stimulus package?)
Erik knows. He covered it in 1st gear:
No One Knows What’s Happening with the Used Car Market
I, I can explain...you see...well, the thing is...what happened is...
If you are making new lines anyway, a ‘67 mustang dual resivour Master Cylinder is a direct bolt in safety upgrade. You can also ditch the pressure switch for the brake lights and use a ‘76 F150 mechanical brake light switch in place of the rubber snubber for the brake pedal.