
I hate how little of the teams can make the playoffs. People will think I'm stupid, but if 8 teams from each league got in, overall baseball would be better. More excitement, more teams getting more money from playoff games, assuming a team sells out their stadium for those games.

They stay with a lot of the same cast. Each season however is a new fresh story. Season 1: Haunted house. Season 2: Insane asylum. Season 3: Witches!

Holy shit. Best way to sum this up far as I'm concerned

I liked season 1 more than 2. One of season 2's subplots I thought was a little to out there and didn't fit the theme of the show.

Well I didn't watch the awards, just seen pics of it, but yeah, that tongue. THAT FUCKING TONGUE. Drives me insane. Also her hair made me think about juggalos for some reason. I'm sure she's fun to hang with though :/

I just think more people are saying fuck the theatre. My experience watching a movie at home is more enjoyable that the theatre, and a hell of a lot cheaper. Give me VOD release, or give me death.

I'm losing it so hard right now. Thank you for this.

All I got to say as being a dude real self conscious of my ass since high school is this:

Christ, and here I am all happy and thinking the existence of that song left my memory. Until today.

It's ok man. The art is trivial at best to me.

Welp. With Oduya, and Emery on the Hawks roster, I'm sure Boston's finest racists will be a story again.

General vibe around here is we might have a chance to get home tomorrow. No big deal if its another night here though, the food and conditions are great.

Calgary dude here. Evacuated to the south land leisure center. All I got to say, is that the volunteers are CRUSHING this flood

This. When I started reading the books in 2001 I was always shocked by the death of a character I loved. I would be soooo pissed off, but then realize that the story breaks the rainbow and sunshine happy type endings you would normally see.

And this is the kinda shit that has turned me away from a sport I furiously loved.

Awesome fans in that building. I got excited watching the game just from the noise coming from the stands. Well done Caps fans.

Well I can post from my phone now which is kinda cool. Just please, smite the kinja morons when they appear

This and WcW wrestling are my fondest memories of video games with friends. The laughter. Oh the laughter.