Tuppy Glossop

Well you see, Clinton being bad is a subjective value judgment I have made based on her hawkish foreign policy, her closeness with wall street, her cynical flip-flopping on marriage equality, the language used by her campaign surrogates during the primaries (particularly Chelsea’s denouncement of single-payer) and the

That’s absurd! Was it at a chain?

I would not buy a croque in France if you paid me. Always with the demand for exact change!

This is why I liked shopping in the UK— They have this reputation for poor customer service but really what it is is that the woman or man ringing you up doesn’t bother to pretend that they’re excited about it. That’s a lot more comfortable than forced pleasantries.

Except I already voted for Hillary by absentee ballot because Trump represents the prospect of a Republican party abandoning their masks.

They’re both in trouble. But as a progressive, the DNC is a lot more important to me. The Republicans can go die in a fire for all I care, but dysfunction at the DNC is important and it’s been conspicuously ignored for years.

Brazile leaking the CNN debate questions, the campaign’s coordination with the Correct the Record super PAC, the Band and Gibson memos on the Clinton Foundation’s role in influence peddling, and her comments towards Wall Street? You’re living in bubble if you don’t think there’s damaging material in Poedesta’s emails.

Let me get this straight. The disgusting aspect of the leaked tape isn’t its contents, but the fact that it was leaked in the first place?

I lobbied my highschool to abandon Mercator maps in favor of the Gall-Peters projection.

I think it’d be more believable as progress if he represented some kind of broader mandate within the church- wasn’t he just a compromise candidate?

But the group convened in advance of the 2009 L’Aquila quake, which is what No-Mi Skye is referencing, weren’t looking at up to the minute data. They were looking at historical data to determine the statistical likelihood of a quake.

Enough money that the prices of Nieman Marcus prepared foods seem reasonable even if you’ve arranged catering for a work or family function.

It was a primary debate. A Democratic primary debate in March. This is about the DNC fixing the primaries.

Read the article. It was a primary debate. Bernie, not Trump.

While Hillary’s sharp as a tack, it’s obvious that she (and her campaign) are a LOT more comfortable using a script.

Oh yeah- I totally should’ve just said ‘privileged’.

Fuck this. Fuck the people who wanted to do it. Fuck the school for not VETTING it even though this kind of shit is something Churches have been doing since the nineties, and especially fuck any Second City washouts who decided to sign up for this.

Jesus. Maybe I’m just inured to seeing that kind of racist crap but this barely even made me angry. It’s just like, of course a famous straight person is going to do some dumb racist stuff. It’s halloween. That’s what rich straight white people do.

4-4 probably.

This shit happens all the fucking time with the habs.