Tuppy Glossop

Clown hysteria tends to be an omen of pandemics. The first mass-media engineered clown plague happened in 1981, shortly before the first known American cases of AIDS surfaced.

The VP might actually matter this time around. Like Pareene says, the Democrats have been getting their asses kicked in legislative and state politics for ages now, which has made it very hard to generate a pool of talent.

Well, like I said: I’m totally onboard with Kojima being an equal opportunity perv. I mean let’s be clear here: from the first Solid game on this has been a franchise where the player spends a load of time staring at a dude’s butt, and Kojima has definitely made sure that those butts are shapely. I mean god, half of

My older sister had a pair of shoes that made farty noises. It turned out to be the heel, which was coming loose and had hollow pockets that collected air. Maybe try looking in the soles?

I heard about this from furries.

The Thi4f doll really worked for me, actually. It’s a good counterpoint to Jensen and Pritchard’s relationship. She’s clearly someone important to Shadowchild, possibly an ex, who thought that her corporate gig was more important. A sellout, basically.

How about Sarah Millican? Brand’s apparently favored because she’s signed on with Love because of Another Slice.

Well, interestingly the License Fee was actually pretty well liked in the nineties despite lower audience satisfaction numbers and the fact that it was more expensive against inflation at the time of polling.

Sort of. It’s staying at the same production company, but the goals are going to change.

Smart money’s apparently on Jo Brand.

The BBC as a whole is kind of under attack- this is just a symptom of the broader problem.

Piney is Glass’s dog. Piney is a problem dog. Piney has snapped at neighbors and drawn blood. He’s also a huge blind spot for Glass who doesn’t get why a pit bull who needs to be muzzled and on sedatives might not be a great apartment pet.

Piney basically ells you everything you need to know about glass as a person. He’s an unhygenic dweeb who neglects the safety of others about his dog... so why wouldn’t he be the same way about his apartment?

Plagues of clowns tend to occur shortly before natural disasters or epidemics— The 1981 Phantom Clown scare for instance.

This is what kills horror for me. I like scares and shocks, I love the tension and revulsion... but the way in which women in peril are almost always central and the lazy way that critics have rehabilitated that? It’s disgusting.

He meant I should vote for her, regardless of her flaws as a candidate, because she’s the democrat. He meant that introspection about her flaws is wrong-headed because something something deliberate misunderstanding of Bush.

Yeah, sure, he meant absolutely nothing by the comparison he actively made which has loomed large over democratic party discourse for more than fifteen years. He’s completely ignorant of context despite the fact that part of the point of his piece was emphasizing the perceived peril. of a second coming of the election

Yeah, sure, he meant absolutely nothing by the comparison he actively made which has loomed large over democratic party discourse for more than fifteen years. He’s completely ignorant of context despite the fact that part of the point of his piece was emphasizing the perceived peril. of a second coming of the election

No, he merely relates the idea of being skeptical of Clinton a decades old canard about Nader voters, using implicit rather than explicit language, transparently connecting his point with the broader consensus.

Second paragraph of his NYT piece (Clinton Gets Gored) where he conflates Clinton with Gore and therefore Clinton Skeptics with Nader Voters, tacitly playing on the narrative of Bush’s presidency being Nader’s fault.