Tuppy Glossop

Roofing is not unskilled work. You can’t magick skilled roofers of either sex out of the aether. So your proposition is at best idiot wankery because it presupposes the existence of a workforce that’s sufficiently gender-mixed.

The only way it would be better is if there were a solid enough dem majority in both houses that the hearings were merely cursory conversations about civil rights.

Because it’s not just about economics. It’s about the culture of different industries and how culture treats those industries. Most roofers (and indeed, most trades workers in general) are men because culture discourages women joining the work because they’re supposed to be delicate rather than coarse and because most

I genuinely think she might be a Supreme Court nominee in the next fifteen years if she spends the interim going back to law or legal education.

I’m a very mean spirited person and I am kinda moralistic about comedy.

Because women are historically blocked from dangerous work because of systemic sexism.

Satire is not inherently morally good. It derives its license to use transgressive themes and ideas from its role as a moralistic corrective against dominant thinking. Feminism is not dominant thinking. It just seems like it is because there’s now an open dialog about it in the games media.

So what you’re saying is that a pay gap does exist, and it’s justified?

Okay. Let’s say it’s mockery. It’s mockery that treats rape as a suitable joke ingredient. That’s making light of rape.

Satire is not in and of itself an excuse to do whatever you want.

It’s funny because they not only fabricated an article to undermine women who write about games, they also made light of rape in the process.

Why do you think Intersectionality was popularized in the nineties? It’s because the game of who is more oppressed/who is more progressive/etc became a huge impediment in the feminist movement. It’s gotten more visible as gender and queer issues have become more mainstreamed, but it was a big part of the decline of

He’s kind of right though. I mean don’t get me wrong, he’s a regressive dweeb, but identity politics have been a performative dance of more progressive than thou for decades. The death of monoculture, the decrease in meaningful differences between major parties on the economy, and the co-opting of progressive

These incremental changes and improvements keep existing players playing, which means a healthier player-base for Sims 4 Game Packs, Stuff Packs, and Expansion Packs.

Netflix is a gift to anyone tired of how American TV execs are twenty years behind normal people.

Are they moving it back to London yet?

This kind of thing is not that unusual. The Olympics are really all about pushing poor people out of their homes, huge bribes, and shifting huge sums of money to shifty construction and security firms.

Yeah, I’m not gonna dispute for a second that he’s a toxic garbage human being.

To be fair, he has actually been in good stuff. He had a running segment on Screenwipe and the annual Wipe specials.

I read back in college that it falls into a complicated system of motivations. Some people are genuinely sexually attracted to children because of some inborn reason, but the majority target children either because they relate to them more due to mental health reasons or because kids are more trusting/vulnerable.