
The majority of black deaths ARE NOT caused by other black people, suicide, heart disease, and cancer and other diseases would like a word. And if she’s saying blacks are the cause of most black murders, that’s true of every racial group. Whites are killed by a majority of whites, as are Latinos. I thought Asians were

You mean like the last time he did that? Or the three other times before that?

Now I wanna see a cut of this trailer in black and white with Hurt playing over the voiceovers.

I think it’s also important to note that in this trailer, it really makes it seem like Picard is rather anxious and acknowledges that his current life isn’t for him. He may have lost faith, but he doesn’t seem cynical about the world.

For Luke, he had grown cynical and despondent - which I feel is a big motivating

Yeah, I was pretty skeptical when CBS started rolling this new Trek universe out (Discovery, and then later shows), but credit where it’s due, they’ve really surprised me.

Thank the Grand Nagus — seems like they’re not going with the Last Jedi route! When the details first started rolling in, I was afraid that Picard was going to be broken and transformed. But, by all appearances — this the is the Captain we know. Sure, he may have a had a few hard hits, but when the Star Trek version

Now this I can answer. Entanglement is just superposition that involves both particles, and when particles are in superposition, they really are multiple states at the same time, mathematically. That implies there must be something spooky going on when they both assume the state you actually measure. If they were just

I had to say achooie-woowie-woots at least sixteen times out loud. :)

Okay, mine is lame (I have a birthday the day before a holiday and they told me the holiday was everyone celebrating me), but my mom’s is hilarious.

Gonna check that game out, and I like your strategies!

Yeah, it’s infuriating. It feels like a losing battle and the little we can do never seems like enough. And it makes me want to scream or drink or stress eat.

Thanks for bringing up your concerns. I’d like to explain a bit of my thinking and process through reporting this article. For background: I am queer and trans, and I went to divinity school for theology, where I ran my school’s LGBTQ group. The school was nondenominational, and I’m not exactly a Christian personally,

Basically it comes down to whether law enforcement goes with him.

“I don’t know, I can’t say for sure, but certainly a lot of people say they hate our country,” Trump said, falling back on one of his favorite rhetorical tics.

And, yet. when you are dead and gone, the land will still be there.

Really doubling down on that whole “using Jews as a shield for racist authoritarian politics” tactic huh? Not sure that’s going to end as well as the GOP hopes. Even members of the establishment Jewish groups that tend to be politically risk-averse and willing to condone anti-Muslim hate seem to be getting antsy. Not

Thank you - the one linked was slightly better than trying to watch it on an original GameBoy, but only slightly.

Now playing

A little better quality, at least on my computer:

I think Omar’s warm and wonderful welcome home from her constituents at the airport is the real story. It’s the thing that triggered his newest complaint, anyway; notice him jeering at her crowd size? He’s pissed that she won her election by a landslide & her people love her, while he couldn’t win a plurality &

Stay alive just to spite him.