The father seems to be saying yes. They’re not happy about it but if they don’t make the babies welcome, the daughters may be reluctant to desert them and feel unwelcome so they have to deal with the babies and accept what happened.
The father seems to be saying yes. They’re not happy about it but if they don’t make the babies welcome, the daughters may be reluctant to desert them and feel unwelcome so they have to deal with the babies and accept what happened.
The babies are already born, if a girl was kidnapped and raped in the US she’d be most likely found soon enough to get the morning after pill or get an abortion but they were gone so long that they had the baby. The parents, quite understandably, aren’t thrilled with those babies, their daughters having been raped to…
ISIS also kidnaps girls and sells them as sex slaves, so they fully need excising too.
You’re welcome.
“Some of them came back with babies, but think about it, are we going to kill the children?”
It’s God’s will.
She was most def not lip syncing.
I think she uses weaves or extensions and those would be attached to her hair/ scalp so it would be pulling on her scalp so to answer - it would hurt a damn lot!
Because a good wink is associated with being sexy, and she is considered a very sexy woman. So she’s a very sexy woman who can’t wink, but watching her attempt to wink (and fail) every time is not only very relatable but super endearing because she is absolutely terrible at it.
She’s lip syncing. The track was going to keep going no matter what, so she needed to keep up the charade. Otherwise she´d have a Milli Vanilli scandal to deal with.
On October 16, 1916, Margaret Sanger, along with two other women, opened the nation’s first birth control clinic in…
She’s a professional. Not like that whiner Michael Jackson. King of pop my ass. Long live the queen.
You must not know ‘bout Bey. That’s nothing. She had her hair sucked into a huge fan while she was singing “Halo” but she just kept on singing the song perfectly while her people tried to figure out how to unattach her from the machinery.
About 15 Boulder, Colorado high schoolers participated in a Facebook group calling for the “execution” of Jews and…
Shockingly true.
I was gonna say just this. I’ve heard of dudes who’ve suffered horrendous lacerations from guitar or even bass guitar strings breaking mid-song who don’t even notice it because they’re so focused on the performance.
This def says something about the power of adrenaline. You know she was feeling the performance more than the pain.
This isn’t France, any kissing should be of the table for a casual greeting unless you are close friends or relatives! Handshakes exist for a reason.
I need The Slot to keep a running list. How many is he up to at this point?
I know this is horrible to say, but I hope he has Cosby levels of accusers come out.