You have described a normal male humans penis, have you not?
You have described a normal male humans penis, have you not?
I cannot remember who said it, whether it was a written article or a YouTube vid (it might’ve been Dunkey?), but I remember hearing someone say that Pokemon are perfectly designed because each and every one of them are made with the idea that they are their own franchise, that each of them are made to start and…
In case you were wondering which Pokemon is used for his profile pic, it’s Combusken. Some astute observers may have noticed it is shaped quite a bit like a penis, once peeled.
Booooo timeline, booooo.
If Nintendo wasn’t quite so.... Nintendo, I’d have liked to have seen them do a variety of collections to make sure every Zelda game is on the Switch in some way.
I’m curious as to why. My love for the series is pretty mercurial, but I enjoyed Minish Cap pretty well, though it was ridiculously easy. What makes it so bad to you?
Honestly, there’s no way this can be explained away as just being stream-of-consciousness from someone who’s not legitimately antisemitic. I’m Jewish, and in 33 years I’ve never heard someone use the word (let alone call me it) except in movies or to specifically list it as a racial slur. And it’s not like it’s out…
But my question is, if when you’re developing a game starring Theseus, if a bunch of the elements of the game are changed slowly over time to the extent that no elements from the original pitch of the game exist, are you still developing the same game?
Perish the thought, Parrish!
well, they found a way for that to happen...
Is it weird that I can tell when Ash Parris writes an article just by reading the title?
Ooooh this joke’s got layers.
So you are saying it almost “shipped” with Theseus?
Oh yes Microsoft, paragons of goodwill. I can’t imagine worshipping a fucking company. I really can’t.
Something “exclusive” to xbox AND PC is so much less annoying than something exclusive to only a console.
The “duh” heard around the world. If anyone thought that Microsoft spent $7.5 billion just to play nice with the other platforms they were pretty deluded.
It doesn’t. Don’t strain your brain trying to figure it out.
Hey, mcarsheat doesn’t deserve a sympathetic response because they make no sense.
The most impressive part to me is that villager they made looks exactly like Phillipa Soo
Remember kids, corporations do not make moral decisions, they make financial ones. As industries of Capital, they are only concerned with Capitalsm and Capitalism goes where the money is.