
Obama and Boehner drank and smoked together plenty, they just did it more in commiseration, as they could never get any bills passed thanks to the GOP bomb-throwers and the racist party base those people represented. The hateful theatrics between the two of them were almost totally for show, and likely a major reason

Because Deadspin consists of a bunch of far-left losers who can’t so much as read a single line written by a conservative author. The Ringer’s not allowed to publish a Trump hit piece written by a right-winger? Go back to your safe space, Ley.

Deadspin would never be associated with a media entity that would publish an ill-advised item. Never!

Sure, but Trump also has an extensive history of saying not conservative things. Which ones are we supposed to believe? The long history of not being conservative or the recent pivot to trick dumb voters?

This is a weak take of a far better and more interesting piece of writing.

Simmons has always had a little bit of a weakness for Very Serious Bullshit (see his fascination with Macolm Gladwell etc) but The Ringer seems to have leaned into that concept to an almost ridiculous extent. Kind of the same way that they seem to devote a lot of time to writing about the tech industry - it feels like

“Miller’s piece isn’t about him being a principled conservative who wants to save his party from a maniac—do you think he would have written this if Ted Cruz”

Why is Deadspin publishing an article about Bill Simmons Flunky’s Craven Bullshit?