
Not quite I think. If I understand it correctly (And I might not), Fez was a 3d game with forced perspective. Miegakure is a little more literal in how it slices up a world that exists in directions that you can't point to. Or something like that. Pretty neat either way!

How to play it: Your only option is DS. Also, be prepared to play through the game multiple times in order to complete it. (Don't worry: you can fast forward through text you've already seen.) Use this handy flowchart if you don't want to accidentally repeat any endings.

Yeeesh. This comes off as some frustrating, mealy mouthed, corporate mandated, lip service. To paraphrase (somewhat unfairly, but it's my comment) you can't play as a woman in our indigenous-person shooting simulator because we didn't plan for you to. I like games, even triple-A face-shooting games, but come on. If

I agree. This isn't supposed to cast aspersion or be taken as a predictor of how the game might turn out, but for whatever reason when this game debuted, all I could think of was how similar the big bullet point features were to Spore, just in a different genre.

An addendum since I've played more: Be sure to sleep in the safehouse every time you can. Later in the game it results in an exchange with Tekla that may be my favorite part of the game so far.

Great article. I too was absolutely convinced I would hate the game in the run up to its release, but is does some genuinely interesting and engaging things visually and story/subject-wise, plus the gameplay ebbs and flows nicely.

Whoo boy. Abandon all hope ye who enter these comments...

Do you have a particular rationale is maybe more my question? It seems fair to me inasmuch as someone buying the game three months down the road is paying more for more content up front. I'd prefer that to paying x dollars up front with the promise of more, or wading through in-app purchases or free to play up sells

If they were a brand new, totally unproven developer that would be one thing, but they're one of the few devs who turn out consistently good, really excellently playing games on iOS. They're just rewarding early adopters with a good deal, definitely not being shady, so I think you can safely give them a pass.

They did... I happened to be working at an ad agency during launch and got to talk with their ad reps though, and it became pretty obvious that it was going to be business as usual on the XB1.

It's a bit pricey, but I got one of these Eliss scarves for my wife and it really is gorgeous.

Pick titles that are related to what she already enjoys. When in doubt, I recommend Saga, Perfect Blue, Criminal, Blue is the Warmest Color, Spirited Away and Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind as good ways to introduce newcomers to the potential of comics and anime.

My video would be boring everyday stuff followed by 100 consecutive frames of the "skip ad" 5 second countdown on youtube. Gotta punch up their analytics somehow.

So will this be the first DLC in the next-gen Elder Scrolls game?

Pretty sure it was a shitty dig at Anita Sarkeesian.

Have people been getting their Holiday Bullshit in a timely manner? I got the first two a few days ago, now there's been a two day gap. I love their stuff, I hope it's just a hiccup in my mail service.

What I really meant, and keep in mind I'm jaded and therefore suspect, was: is this now publicized player doing this in an unsponsored way? If so, as I said, that's super awesome I'm glad to hear that the community is doing such crazy stuff! Might have to get it touch once it comes to iOS.

My digital advertising sense is tingling and making me wonder if this is a legit player or some sort of brand ambassador. Awesome if it's legit, business as usual if not.

True that. I can also add (from a place of authority) that while they may have sort of promised no ads on the dashboard, they are definitely coming, and that Xbox users are quite literally perceived as a market who is willing to pay to see ads, hence their continued presence once you're a gold member. Advertising!

I can just be flighty, but I definitely want to go back to it. I remember one song on an interior being a different orchestration of the same song on the exterior and I'd just walk in and out of the room because the transition was so interesting and the tune as so amazing.