Hmmmm, AT&T must be using Flash to handle their ordering...
Hmmmm, AT&T must be using Flash to handle their ordering...
Does the Move perfectly recreate the sensation of swinging with women who aren't your wife, cause otherwise it shouldn't be branded with Tiger.
@The Captain: For whatever reason works better for me than gametrailers, but your mileage may vary.
@Mark 2000: Got up, tried for an hour, and after about 10 more minutes it went through with *hrmph* in store pickup.
Well played AT&T, I can't complain about dropped calls without a new phone.
@Mariblanka: Correction: "... for some serious in-ass sticking."
@snitch: There's an argument here, it's one in favor of link bait.
You know Kim Jong Il has real sons...
@RutgerHauer: But doesn't unicorn vomit cure scabies?
@Maddogdw: Or, being Japan, a shitload of eggs. Still, 10 patties of fast food meat for 10 bucks. Culturally they haven't quite breached the bacon wave in the way we have, but I have faith.
@Maddogdw: Check it, from a recent trip to Tokyo. The Double Down ain't shit...
Flip it to vertical mode and attack its weak point for massive damage.
Seems like people have some misperceptions about what a DJ is and isn't and what demo Activision is going for. It seems to me that they're aiming for the club DJ crowd since that's the most accessible and profitable, and in that case, this game roughly re-creates the club experience. Club DJs are slavishly poppy, but…
@Taggart6: According to the wiki article his parents were hard on him when he was young and he seemed to have some social issues. He accused some coworkers of pranking him soon before and thought he was going to get fired from his job. Seems like he was a very lonely person who just sort of lost it.
@FrankieViturello: I knew something was missing from Red Dead Redemption!
@Michael Dukakis: I know I'm going to be deciduously avoiding this game.
@ShaggE: Restarreded: I dunno if you played the second season of Sam and Max, but there was definitely a glimmer of what they could potentially do.
W/r/t snappy sticky guns, I think that pretty well formalizes when I find deeply satisfying about killing guys in Alan Wake. The sizzle, pop, then pop pop feels and sounds so damn good in that game.
@some1else2: This is probably the opposite of helpful, but I was in Japan last week on vacation and saw a digital lomo at the Toyland in Harajuku. Cost about $150 and looked like it was almost there as far as emulating the look. The photos sort of straddled the lomo and 15 year old digital camera look.
@Hello Mister Walrus: Probly not as disconnected as it seems since John Krasinski directed the film adaptation of DFW's book Brief Interviews With Hideous Men.