I doubt it, since putting on your turn signal a half-mile before you intend to turn would be stupid and confusing for everyone.
I doubt it, since putting on your turn signal a half-mile before you intend to turn would be stupid and confusing for everyone.
From the YouTube page:
I wouldn't go as far as the truck guy, but people who use the left lane to idle along PISS ME OFF. The left lane is for passing. If you're going the speed of traffic, get the F over.
Obviously the truck driver is a greater asshole for tailgating, but let's not forget that once she passed the trucks on the right, she should have moved over. That is the law in some areas, and common courtesy everywhere else.
OMG, HAHAHAHA!!! Why isn't this the lead photo? Hahaha! dying.
I am ashamed of all of you who voted caffeine.
Really? Really people?
Oh my gods how is champagne winning? Do people really not appreciate vodka's versatility?
I am absolutely disgusted that caffeine is currently beating weed. Disgusted! If I wasn't baked out of my gourd and making the acquisition of cake my top priority, I would consider doing something about this!
Wow it's actually going to come down to Caffeine vs. Champagne?? Could Jezebellers possibly make themselves look anymore like sadsack homebody cat ladies?
Caffeine might get me out of bed and soothe that caffeine-withdrawal headache, but it will never get my bathroom clean and my laundry folded. Team weed!
NO fucking way can caffeine beat weed, NO, NO NO!
My high school history teacher used to ask if people were on "the wacky rabbit weed". Yes, I was and yes, I am foreverrrr! Team Weed!
It's very early in voting, but goddammit, if caffeine beats weed...smdh.
David Chang also loves MSG. And I love David Chang.
My husband recently read an interview with Grant Achatz, famous chef at Alinea, one of the world's best restaurants. The interviewer asked him what the 3 most important tools in his kitchen are. Grant's answer? Salt, pepper, and MSG. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me.
Oh hell no. I get seven hours during the week and at least 10 on the weekends. It requires me to go to bed at 10 pm on the weeknights, which strikes me as a ridiculous time to go to sleep, but if I don't get at least seven hours of night night time, I will murder someone.
Fuck you Goop. God, FUCK YOU.