Ellen, you are the fucking greatest. I love you. I love you so much it hurts.
Ellen, you are the fucking greatest. I love you. I love you so much it hurts.
pajama socks :)
Boat shoes. I own six pairs already. It is not enough, Dodai. NOT ENOUGH.
Only if you're the kind of heathen who uses the term "pop."
I have never heard the word 'Paki' said in anything other than a racist manner by people I consider to be racist.
I had never heard that word until my Pakistani friend told me a story that involved her being called it (as a slur) so I would go with slur. She did mention that her girlfriend called her that as a pet name (it was something she had no problem with and they had discussed) so of course someone may feel differently in a…
Pakistani people aren't Middle Eastern, though, they're South Asian, so I really hope you don't use those terms interchangeably.
Maybe you look like a combination of both :]
It's generally used as a slur
I have only heard that used as a slur. I don't think it's the "preferred nomenclature".
Paki is most certainly a racial slur.
In really exciting news I got a new job. No more call center for me! Full time advocacy!
I really should. This cold weather seems to be making the acne he already has worse...not causing new acne, but a couple of the pimples are bleeding. I keep telling him not to pick at them. :-( I'll call the dr Monday.
I've had literally one one night stand. I had fun, great sex, great conversation. I left the next morning. We texted the next day, and that was it. He tried to persue a relationship, and I, quite simply, wasn't interested in being in one at the time. Nothing against him, I had an awesome time. I was enjoying being…
Sometimes you gotta let a one night stand just be a one night stand and not take anything that comes after it personally. Humans are weird and don't always have rational reasons for doing things, like texting the day after a one night stand. Trying to figure it out is a recipe for madness.
Happy Australia Day guys and my fellow Aussie Jezzies. <3 <3
Pfffft Thora Birch's best work was clearly informing us all that pudding in balloons works way better than tissues to stuff our training bras in Now & Then.
Pie is better than cake? That's the single dumbest thing I've ever heard.
The Beebs looks high as hell in that picture. Do they drug screen automatically when you get a DUI?
I love sneezing. Makes my nipples all hard and tingly.