
We're going to have to get a time machine back to the 90s to explain this fully.

We must run in very different crowds.

Sounds just like me and my partner. I hate the Pill in all forms and condoms are just a hassle when STDs aren't a concern. We've been practicing the pull-out for about 3 years, no scares. Although at this point a "scare" wouldn't be that scary anymore.

Pulling out is fine if you're ready to accept that it might not always work. I'm married, own a home, have a job, have a husband with a job.. if I get pregnant, not a huge deal. I mean, huge deal, but it won't wreck us. If I were single, or didn't have a job, or didn't want kids PERIOD, I wouldn't use that method.

I am one of those "stupid" people that uses the pullout method as the primary form of birth control with my monogamous partner. Planned parenthood actually lists the percent effectiveness as 96% when always used correctly, which is slightly worse than condoms at 98% but more effective than the diaphram, female condom,

All of the judgy comments about the pull out method are so unnecessary. Not everyone who uses the pull out method are uninformed teenagers. You're not more enlightened because you eat hormones every day.

Anecdata: if you're in a monogamous relationship and your man doesn't have a pre-ejaculation issue, you won't get

So....I think my boyfriend might want to marry me. This simultaneously makes me really happy and freaked out.

Man, I wish I could be a cool big sister. But I'm about as uncool as they come.

Ahhhhh, only two more work days stand between me and my two week Christmas vacation! I'm surprising my family by coming home for the holiday, only my dad knows! Then off to be a maid of honor for my friends wedding! So excited for the next few weeks! Hope you all are doing wonderful and gettin into the holiday spirit!

I'm gonna cheer you up with a filthy one night story!

H&M has this problem of racks in all sorts of directions but not as bad as Forever21. Sometimes when the people at the register ask if I "found everything ok" I just look and them and say no all the racks are everywhere and nothing is organized by color, trend or even size. Forever 21 racks are like fancy thrift

Would it be too forward to note that even though I know none of you personally; I love all of you AND your decorations! Right now I only have this five dollar Target suction snowflake light - yet I love it so!

Now playing

In the spirit of the holiday season, I'm going to assume that "N-Word" refers to Ninny-muggins. As in, cotton headed ninny muggins.

I tried to look at the "dark abyss" picture, because I care about you, Callie, and if you are going blind you should get help. But then the link just sent me to Wills-and-Kate land, no matter how many times I clicked, and now I'm worried because no one will be able to give you a second opinion on your impending

This ebay stuff was embarrassing and I'm fine with encouraging her to be more philanthropic, but WTF is up with the idea that she'd still have Kanye's $100 million to fall back on?

The only places I want to see boobies are in advertising, in the titty bar, in movies, in music videos, in video games, in email forwards from my friends, in the porn I habitually download, in the porn sent to my spam folder, in magazines, on nearly every website, in my dreams/fantasies, and alongside the articles in

Ran out of time; this was the best I could do with your composite request.

I counter with: If you live an entire Summer in Florida why are you wearing jeans at all? If I lived in Florida I would live in linen or some other light pant for the occasions when I could live in my shorts, which I would attempt to do as much as possible.

If I had enough money for a pair of jeans for every day of my life, I wouldn't have to wash a pair ever.