Hmm. I was always under the impression that those fluff and fold services were expensive! I'll definitely check it out!
Hmm. I was always under the impression that those fluff and fold services were expensive! I'll definitely check it out!
Oh my gosh, that cat looks as lazy as I feel!
Denver! I even have quarters for the machines. I'm just so drained of all energy that doing extra work just isn't an option! I wonder if you can hire maids just for a day?
I've worked fourteen days straight, 73 hours this week alone. I'm officially out of clean underwear and socks, and my day off isn't till Wednesday. Someone come do my laundry? I'll bake amazing foods for you! I'll also take any happy, funny, or relaxing (what would a relaxing gif look like?) gifs!
Damnit. I thought this was the morning dirtbag. I've been new kinjaed!
The most important thing in this whole article is that American Apparel sells jellies! Off to find the closest store to me...
Can't wait for their new album! Their best music is the sad depressing shit. Then he got married and their (happy) music went way, way downhill!
I totally agree. Especially because we try our hardest to compost all of our food waste and use biodegradable packaging.
As a pastry chef, I'm constantly changing my gloves. It's incredibly frustrating and time consuming and expensive. I go through two boxes of gloves a day! The line cooks go through almost three a day. And we don't even have to wear them the entire time, just when handling ready to eat foods.
Yes but how do they feel about nasty ass St Louis style pizza? Aka matzoh with velveeta?
My college friends and I are planning a group vacation thus summer and are doing so via group Facebook message. It's the best conversation ever! It really is like we're in the same room together. All the personalities, all the different opinions...I love it! Though I did get 68 messages within two hours earlier today…
Truth! But do cats really like butter? I feel like they would be finicky eaters!
Ugh, that sounds terrible! I think I'd be horribly depressed living underground, never seeing the sun.
I leave my butter out on the counter. Most places (unless you live in a very tropical place) aren't hot enough to spoil the butter, and that way it's always soft for spreading/baking
I totally agree. I actually only knew her as a designer and had no clue she was dating Jagger. It's definitely weird to see him completely overshadow her amazing career.
Not dirt bag related, but new kinja question! Is there anything I can click on (like a drop down menu?) to see the tags for the posts? It's super annoying trying to guess which articles are dirt bags and which ones aren't! I only use my iPad for reading, if that helps/hurts the matter...
You say that like the comments aren't the best freaking part of Jezebel! I come here just for the comments!
Ha! You're correct on both counts! Thanks!
Thanks! If only we had those stick on holes like they had in Who Framed Roger Rabit! Automatic pervert removal! Environmentally conscious too!
They're my indulgence drink! Only for when it's below zero or after an especially crappy day!