
I know I've mentioned it before, but I friggin love your avatar. I'm ready for a new Fallout. (Without any tedious factions. Seriously, this wanderer just wants to wander.)

Would a million more people still be breathing?

That's serious commitment to a bit.

And the Nazi is their downstairs neighbor?!?!? This thing writes itself!

Just curious, what did you use? Bleach wipes?

Al Gore would have been such a dull, trustworthy, perfectly cromulent president. They would have had to create a mock scandal, like he always leaves the seat up or wears socks with sandals.

I got to give this one to watermelon burps.

Whoa is this a Septon Swearengen 2.0?

They're groin-grabbingly great.

German etymologists are creating that word in a lab right now!

I feel bad for people named Jared. That bastard straight-up tarnished that name. And I should know, being Adolf Amin.

Sometimes year old comments are the funniest comments.

You always come through in a pinch, Archmage.

I don't even have a Simpsons reference for this.

That little kiss Kim gave Jimmy broke my heart.

I wonder if Boz Scaggs plays during lunch in the cafeteria at Madrigal.

Oh God I could eat like 40 cobs of this corn right now. 40!

Shhhh! When the fallout settles and the Canadians march across our northern border, they're going to look for comments like this. I for one welcome our Canadian overlords!

How delightfully twee!

There is no bad time to bring up Zap Rowsdower. Weddings. Funerals. Bah Mitzvahs.