
Sleep went there in 1992. They wrote a song about it.

His tiny fingers will be perfect for gouging out his vile jellies!

I keep my real documents in a safe behind The Machine of Lum the Mad.

"Trench-coated and Mail Robot-Shaped." That may very well be the funniest thing I've ever read. Kudos to you sir or madam!

To me she's the most frightening character on the show. She's been expected to carry so much of her parents burden. It's way too much pressure.

If she were actually frightened she never would have gone back. Paige is going the Jason Statham route. Paige Jennings is: The Volunteerer.

I feel terrible for Tuan. From what I gather, he was an urchin from the post-war streets of Vietnam. At the same time, FUCK YOU, TUAN.

It's these sort of questions that bring me back to the A.V. Club again and again.

I thought she was testing her confidence. She deliberately parked there because she knew what had happened.


Renee is fishy as fuck. She just happens to be moving in with Stan? She's straight up Directorate U.

Gorp Guy murdered a surprising amount of people. Didn't see that coming!

Paige The Unhuggable. No Hugs For Paige. Don't Hug Her! She's Conpaigeous!

Alison Wright can sell a scene.

We give you child, but not, how do you say, good child.

When Elizabeth asked to speak to Tuan alone I thought it was the end of Tuan.

That is so fucked up, but I'm literally crying with laughter. Will Mail Robot be at her daughter's funeral?

"Paige, omg, what happened?!?!" "Mom beat me up." [Philip runs upstairs to check on Elizabeth's knuckles]

Wake up, Mr. B! Wake up!

It's a goddamned hamburger. Get off my lawn.