
Mushroom tea is amazing.

Yeah, my syntax is garbage but in my defense I had been a drinking whiskey, rye, bourbon and brake fluid cocktail. I call it a "Your Mother and I are Worried About You."

My uncles have died from each one of them?

Please take as much time as you need. And please nerf the cougars. If cougars were as effective killing machines as they're presented in RDR we'd have cougar fences around every town. We would have lost four presidents to cougars. A cougar-free marriage would be considered successful.

I thought the same thing. She happened to drop it right in last weeks tuna salad.

Beeman and Aderholt are the worst two wedding planners I've ever seen!

Wow. That went right over my head.

Well said. I also think that fans of this show and Breaking Bad are used to the slow burn. When "things happen", it's almost incomprehensible because it happens so quickly.

That's odd, I was at an academic conference in England for the past few days as well. It was held in, um, Shropfordshire.

I think she'll leave him and leave town.

I wish Jimmy ended up at Shoe Court instead of Cinnabon. He would have aced the lie detector test.

The copy edeeting on this site has been kind of sheddy lately.

Thanks! I never would have guessed that.

I have to ask, I know your avatar is Vault Boy, but which one? Is it from a trophy/achievement?

No, a white boy cliche is Coldplay. Not to dis Coldplay, but at this point Radiohead seem transgressive.

His convoluted explanations for not eating with his parents hit way too close to home.

I would imagine they're between seasons but I have no idea.

Good point.

Do you think they're trying to tie up loose ends while they still can? That kind of makes sense.

So weird to see her crushing peoples dreams and faces these days.