Tullyseth Brundlemox

I don't think it's flimsy at all - Ginsberg was forced out on a very uncomfortable date with a woman, he has commented at least twice prior to this episode about homosexuality, and in this episode, his unresolved issues with sexual identity were the tipping point. I wouldn't rate the probability as a slam dunk, since

I think the problem that SC&P had with Ginsburg was they thought he was speaking metaphorically but he was quite literal. You know those creative types - they're a little eccentric! Poor Ginsberg - I think it was pretty obvious that he was a tortured soul from fairly early on, and the disruption of modern technology

Actually, I hate to disagree with your police work there, Lou, but the computer is in fact an IBM - the IBM System/360 to be precise. I thought the show could have done a better job of explaining the role LeaseTech played; essentially, LeaseTech is a VAR (Value-Added Reseller), a company that buys (or leases) computer

I was wondering about that myself. When I rewatched it, I noticed that he said something like, "They're going to take everybody…one by one". It could be a stretch, but his early history, Jewish identity in a very WASPish firm, and his mental illness may have brought about that paranoia. The scene of his final

The decline of tobacco and its affect on the US Advertising industry has been a huge theme throughout the run of this show. I am guessing that the first half of this season ends with Don's (and SCDWPCHCGS&Ps) triumph because of the tobacco business in late summer 1969. The second half ends in the summer of 1970 right

"Well, better a stomachache than a broken arm. That's what you get for eating all that candy and giving away my sandwich on our special date, Robert Draper! You're just like your father!!!"…Betty Francis, April, 1969

Occasionally, I stumble into some street musician that is so good, I have no idea how they haven't landed a recording contract, and the same goes for actresses. How in the hell did this gorgeous, sexy woman not land a high-profile gig until now? No wonder Megan likes it in LA so much!

Alicia Witt aint' no D-Girl, no matter Christopher said in anger.