
And it’s a Senate seat in Alabama.

FINALLY someone who can speak for all black people! Whites have been looking for you like, forever.

I read somewhere that he’s dead broke, and has to take every movie offered. No explanation for Adam Sandler, tho...

+1 Cardinals - Yankees World Series 1964.

Good breakdown, but I’m still waiting for HamNo’s definitive post.

^This. Once I realized how addicted I was to caffeine, I was like: “Stay away from the Powder Family, Burn.”

+6 pothead tourists bonked

It’s a start, anyway. Still, his crap once helped cost his team a playoff game, so there’s that.

Do you want Darth Vaders? Because this is how you get Darth Vaders.

How could you leave out RUSSIA? Blame Trump! Blame Hillary!
Blame Obama! Blame FDR! We need Sarah Palin keeping an eye on them more than ever.

Naked and heading to jail. Maybe not the best life decision.

You mean he hasn’t already?

This comment makes me hungry for imaginary pie.

I’m still trying to decide whether to add “astroturfing” to my daily vocabulary.

Plus his Seahawks brother Michael can ship him cheap Nanobubbles.

It makes a great body spray too. So manly!

I have a “To File” folder. It’s basically the junk drawer for paperwork.


Practice punch in a real fight?