
It was essentially a commercial, wasn't it?

Haven't watched the episode, but Roald Dahl's Big Friendly Giant, I'm guessing (soon to be a major motion picture, I think?). I'm very approximately Schumer's age and remember the animated film quite fondly.

>>Yes, boats, because people on boats after some apocalyptic event make for a compelling narrative!<<

"The perpetually on-the-bubble Supernatural? It would likely get a stretch of episodes to wrap up its stories, if Pedowitz had his way."

"The perpetually on-the-bubble Supernatural? It would likely get a stretch of episodes to wrap up its stories, if Pedowitz had his way."

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus: Large portions of the fandom want nothing to do with the disgusting parts either. Some of them produce stuff like this: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Shows what you know. It's always the same talking unicorns, they don't really rotate!

You're presumably familiar with the concept of rule 34? "No exceptions." Also, the show attracts furries, for obvious reasons. Doesn't mean the majority of bronies (or all fans of the show on the whole, including people who're more casual fans and/or don't want to use that label) are into pony porn. There's a vibrant

Legend of Korra is a great animated show that happens to run on a children's network. But it's not really a kids' show in the way Friendship is Magic is.

I'm not sure I liked this finale better than the last one. "Best Night Ever" was a really good episode in my opinion, the culmination of an entire season of character and (to a lesser extent) plot developments. That's not really the case with "A Royal Wedding", which could have taken place pretty much anytime after

Good write-up, but I have to disagree with the notion that the main ponies are purely stand-ins for their intended audience and therefore not yet adults. You rightly say they represent a varied set of "career paths" the little girls watching should aspire to: they are already grown-up, at least as much as anyone else

It's also not a great time for casual fans to watch it live. That's what DVRs where invented for. I don't think anybody would mind if the reviews were posted in the evenings. Unless you can get screeners, or course.

I don't want to come across as too pushy because I hate the kind of fan who always has to try to convert people to a show he/she adores, but considering the pony content elsewhere on this page… that show (only the new one, Friendship is Magic) really might fit the bill. Surprisingly good animation and voice work,

@Double-Hawk: That's my point though. You might get the appeal of the show if you watched an episode or two all the way through instead of just snippets. Watching just one episode might not make a you fan (it took four for me, personally), but it might give you an idea why others like it and satisfy that bit of

If you've watched it and determined it's not your thing, that's fine. But if you haven't watched it, riddle me this: If you encountered the same amount of fanboy enthusiasm and the same amount of "leave me the fuck alone with this childish bullshit" pushback for a Transformers or Masters of the Universe series, would

Is it too much to hope for regular coverage next season? From a mercenary point of view, at any rate, it's bound to get the AVC more comments and attention than the average Secret Circle or Ringer review. Depending on who gets tapped as the writer, reviews might be entertaining to read even for people who refuse to

Yeah, I was about to suggest that as well. Battle Pope is like if South Park and Supernatural had a baby. An arse-baby.

Has the horse started talking yet? I swore I'd watch that show if the horse started talking.