bleu arcadia

Universities have the authority to revoke admission and scholarships to students under investigation for criminal activity. Guilt doesn’t matter. Makes them look bad and they don’t want that attention of having admitted a potential criminal. In this case, because it took so goddamn long to go to trial, they seemed to

Thank you for this comment.

My gran Fanda divorced her abusive husband in 1970, though that legal decree was years in the making. These books saved her innermost self afterwards. She told me that after almost 20 years of daily assaults, that she felt when she left him that her body was a thing god made specifically for punishment. She didn’t

“Yes, Maria said that it wasn’t in the script, and she said it years ago, but Maria’s dead, so believe me. I mean, believe me now, not believe me when I said I deliberately wanted to film Maria Schneider’s sexual humiliation and not the character Jeanne’s sexual humiliation. Believe this version of my story, please.”

Well said.

It was a comedy of errors-- Someone should make a movie about this! Is Wood Allen free?

He’s sorry his locker room butter was offensive.

I can’t believe I have to tell this dumbass but, If you’re going to put butter in someone you gotta tell them! I’m not even sure I believe him, but even if what he says is true. He’s still complicit in a despicable act and Fuck Brando too.

correct. a ridiculous misunderstanding between your concept of consent and reality.

So what? Maybe he made promises he failed to keep. We don’t know 99% of what went on so speculation is a waste of time.

I’m not blaming her for anything, I am casting doubt on the “source” and the reason.

Yeah, my husband was a passive aggressive dick when I married him. I just didn’t really know it until we had more kids together.

I’ve read that your “vice index” (i.e., the amount of vices such as drugs and alcohol that you intake) being aligned to your partner’s is a leading indicator of relationship stability or instability. So basically, if you start a relationship where you both love binge drinking, all is good. But if one of you stops and

I’m so incredibly sorry that someone you trusted violated that trust in such an unforgiving and cruel way. I’m sorry that the pain continues to linger. I sincerely hope that we as a society can begin to make amends in some small way by fundamentally changing culture and instilling in everyone respect for women,

I’m so sorry this happened to you. It was not your fault.

God, I am so sorry :(

I’m so sorry him and his friends did that to you. It wasn’t your fault. That’s horrible, and I hope you found some support.

I’m sorry.

YOU, the victim, were treated as a “dumb slut”. HE, the rapist douchebag, got to brag to people. This is so infuriating and you are right, so very common. I’m very very sorry that happened to you.

I’m sorry you had to go through that. I just hope karma will catch up with him sooner rather than later, since human law has failed you. His misery will not undo your suffering, but sometimes it is so cathartic to see horrible people suffer. I’m sorry, I am not the “forgive and forget” type. I hope his life is one