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    Agreed, I was hoping the writer will make Korra learn to fight more creatively and strategically. Such as using elements of surprise, bending attacks coming from behind her enemy, misleading/fake attacks, and exploiting the weakness in her enemy's bending/fighting style, instead of just relying on her Avatar state to

    Laws are made by people and can be changed by people. History has shown that monarchy and many other outdated government systems can be and has been overthrown by revolutions to be replaced by better systems usually republic and democracy, where power resides in the people to select their preferred leader(s).

    I still believe monarchy is outdated (in the real world and the Korra world). It would be more fair and just for the earth nation's people to democratically vote for their preferred best leader. I am sure there are many people in the earth nation that have much more leadership talent, experience and potential than Wu.

    Hindsight is 20/20. I agree world leaders should and would assess and prevent potential problems as they arise. The hard part is they also have to decide which problems to prioritize and allocate time and resources accordingly out of millions of other potential problems in the world.

    Well, USA's ex-leader George Bush stopped the Saddam Hussein problem early (debatable). But it is very difficult to assess the relative cost in terms of lives and money if USA stopped him later or just ignored him, because it is impossible to predict what damage Saddam Hussein would have done (to the USA in

    Yes, I agree world leaders are just human and are susceptible to making mistakes. But making mistakes does not make them stupid as they are faced with very tough and sometimes impossible decisions. Starting or entering into a war is one of those impossible decisions. Also another reason I think that world leaders are

    I meant in general when I said world leaders (in the real world and the Korra world), I did not mean just the USA. Due to geographic distance, USA leaders need very strong evidence such as the Pearl Harbor incident to convince their people to risk their life and waste resources by going into war. World leaders need to

    I do not believe that the world leaders are too stupid to realize that a serious problem was brewing with Hitler (or Kuvira). After all they have to be one of the smartest (not always the most ethical) people in their nation to become a world leader in the first place. They just needed time to gather enough evidence

    I do not believe in royal birthright. I agree with Kuvira, it is archaic, ineffective, and unjust way of choosing the best leader for a nation. Like Mako have said Wu lack the leadership skills required to lead the earth nation and his advisers would likely just use Wu as a puppet king. Even though it is evident that