
True, but it will provide the time window for everyone else to see how Sony reacts to this problem. Which is the issue at hand, I think. Waiting for a 2nd year or 2nd iteration product is also, to some subconsciously, about seeing how the company treats its "problem consumers" as much as the problems relating to the

It's unlikely we'll ever see an issue as far-reaching and stubbornly denied as the RROD fiasco, because of the RROD fiasco. Still, I don't begrudge consumers making an instant and noisy stink, in this age, given the precedents set every day by self-protecting businesses. You're right, at the moment this looks like a

I disliked Akiba a whole lot for exactly what you describe until my office relocated here and I relocated to be close to my office. Now I'm right in the thick of it and have come to like it, and am even quite proud of being here. As a geek mecca it's true that Akiba doesn't have much over Ikebukuro and Nakano (also

Oh, oops, I totally misinterpreted your comment. Projecting insecurities here! :D

The important thing I would ask people to note is that an overwhelming number of absurdly, jarringly violent western games are based on real locations if not 100% recreations. While this is a faithful physical replica of Akihabara it's no more of a true representation than Watch Dogs is of Chicago, or GTAV is of New

Always love Hard-off, it brings to mind the adolescent joke my friend told me thousands of years ago: what's the difference between light and hard? You can turn a light off.

Very faithful! :D

Agreed, 2PP are very competent documentarians. Just the right amount of infotainment, forgivably editorial. Rare enough in the binary shit-flip culture of the web, but also in an age where we're brainwashed by highly aggressive, biased news — news! — that pushes an angle you need to love/hate, or drops loaded