ah tony leung. *such* a great actor.
ah tony leung. *such* a great actor.
and how is this not sexist bullshit?? how? and why is jezebel, soi disant feministically inclined, whatever, blog, site, discussion, propagating this crap?? whyyyyy???
so sorry, jezebel, whatever the fuck you are these days, but this is not what *i* fought for.. and keep fighting for.
i... well, respectfully, i guess... have to disagree with that. it is and always will be leonard cohen's song. even if you truncate it by a few verses. (jeff buckley did not write it; jeff buckley merely performed a version of it). it matters to me that writers get their due, too often songs are said to be by a person…
that would be leonard cohen's hallelujah... he wrote it, sang it. and then all kindsa other people sang it, jeff buckley did it rather well. also kd lang did it rather well. but still... leonard leonard leonard.
as i said above, my black hair and eyes were much admired in sweden, when i was a kid.
actually, that is not true at all. when i was a kid, refugee-ing around with my parents, we lived for a time in sweden, in a smallish town. where, in school, i was much admired by the local boys... i was a reasonably attractive 12 yr old but i was thought beautiful because i was the only kid in school with black hair…
occasionally you actually publish good writing. and good writing makes me happy. this made me happy.
oh puhleeze... 10 million scientologists?? in your dreams (or nightmares as the case may be). more like 10 thousand, maybe, if one is to be optimistic (or pessimistic, as the case may be). the fact is that the number of members of this particularly odious cult have totally dwindled, and the cult is in trouble all over…
christophHEY!er walken HEY! seemed moHEY!re than a littlHEY!e inebriHEY!ated. lalalalala lalalalala lalalalalalalala HEY!
only lorde. that was great; that's one talented girl. the rest of the show was total bullshit.
yes. i think she means "divested", not "availed". it... bothers me, haha
petra's friend from vancouver : -)
not bullshit. i know daniel. these are his experiences. perhaps yours are different; after all, there are many prisons and not all the same.
i live in canada. yay. your country is... run by morons, rich morons. and the poor morons vote for the rich morons. and that is sad. i am sad for you.
occasionally, i do despair at this site... but this was a great article and a very fair review. and this: "smarmy, scroterial voices"... heh... so good, good writer, you. let's be friends : -)
no, it was smarter than that. it sent the email to an ostensible name. fabricated from my gmail. so that people would go, hey, not me, "somebody is using my account"... and "i must login to apple to change my password to make sure". and thus give the hacker your password.
due to your recommendation, i unfortunately watched it. it was stupid of me. i didn't realize that it was an adaptation of a dumb romance novel. into a dumb, albeit probably expensive (costumes! location!) tv show.
was there not a time in the not too too distant past when jezebel was a... smart place?? what happened ?…
this whole thing is in hungarian... in hungary. at some farmer's market, probably. why do i know this? well... because i am hungarian, that is, i was at one time. the guy also owns the rabbit, he says they are used to oneanother... except the rabbits are huge and mean. according to him. then there is some discussion…
are you paid by the pith?