will you stop it? you don't seem to understand... and, of course, it turns out that you don't even *speak* french. <sigh>...it's your boyfriend, huh...
will you stop it? you don't seem to understand... and, of course, it turns out that you don't even *speak* french. <sigh>...it's your boyfriend, huh...
actually i do speak french. and have lived in both quebec and france. it is the same language, with some vernacular changes. just as it is with british english and american english.
no they are not different languages. that is a ridiculous thing to say.
i mean to say, it's the same singer, singing in the same language.
it's the same woman doing "french" and "canadian french"... it's the same thing, they just run her twice.
gawd, i love that prose! the snark, people, the snark! i bow down to mr. bowles... that truly is masterful.
i too have a friend with a downs syndrome child... well, a young adult, now. and she is quite heavily affected and she is, albeit affable most of the time, also quite difficult. my friend, essentially, gave up her life to care for this child, this child who will never be able to live independently, or even…
i once worked with downs syndrome children and i absolutely agree... this is a nice and glossy ad, with feel-good, attractive *high-functioning* downs syndrome persons. but, in fact, really high functioning downs syndrome persons are but a smallish percentage of all downs people... for most down syndrome children,…
this, actually has little to do with russia or putin. also, it's nothing new; i toured in lithuania 3 years ago with my band and they had just passed, or were about to pass this law... i know, because i spoke up about it from stage.
i loved melancholia. also really liked dogville. and as far as i am concerned (throwback modernist, hah)... being a great artist and being a nice person are not at all the same thing.
just in: a statement by the karma rescue volunteer who quit the organization because of the treatment the torres' received... and boy is it an interesting read... because it disproves all the lies on the karma press release, disproves them real good.
aaaand here is a statement from one of karma's volunteers... who quit over the treatment the torres' received.
sure, if you had the money for a good lawyer... which the torres' do not have.
::: sigh ::: i wish you *were* a litigation lawyer in california. because these people need a lawyer really bad... and they have no money. as opposed to this rescue organization who has (according to some info) a million bucks in the bank and the services of a highpowered attorney (who has already threatened the…
in other words, karma rescue *still* refuses to recover and return the dog! instead they offer a press release (bad p.r. hurts donations, i guess) on which they dissemble, just a touch... the "oh, we didn't get the message" to the "oh, the application from the *owner* came an hour too late... bullshit, that's all this…
Ms. Torres (along with other volunteers that were assisting in the search for Raffiki) contacted Karma prior to the adoption. Karma wanted Ms. Torres to complete an adoption application... for her own dog! Which then they refused!
"While The Game, 34, is a former gang member and drug dealer whose rap sheet includes arrests for disorderly conduct and threatening someone with a gun, Khloe is drawn to the hip-hop artist's sensitive side."
totally agree... but while we are on the subject, what, pray, is "rageful"?
"As Mother Jones' co-editor Clara Jeffery put it on Twitter: "If [Lena]'s given us an image of a real woman on Girls, and they altered — perhaps without her consent, isn't that a paradox that should be explored?"
heh... the "sisterhood" (in quotes) was pretty clear, actually... i was merely agreeing : -)