Paul H

So I have good balance because of my giant rear-end?

Pretty sure Denmark's claim should give it to Canada, since Greenland is on the same tectonic plate as Canada over there.

I can deal with being called a creep, I've made my point. At least you were less hurtful this time.

No, what bothers me is that someone is wrong on the internet, and it's about me. I really do respect women, comparatively. Although now that you mention that term, I'm a bit low empathy in general, and don't really respect anyone in general without overwhelming evidence. So maybe my general bored disdain for people

Holy shit dude, are you just trying to be an asshole to entertain yourself?

Aaaaaah. You're so wrong though... I have the utmost respect for women, I just really enjoy getting into weird arguments about semantics in comments sections, and I'm a moral relativist.

That's a cute fucking way to talk to someone. I am plenty aware that what the guy mentioned in the article did, is a shitty abhorrent thing to do to someone. There are, however, a lot of shitty awful things you can do to people which are perfectly legal.

I fully support the internet being a lawless realm where anything goes.

I don't think anyone is questioning whether or not what the guy did was WRONG. The part the other guy was confused about was if it was ILLEGAL. Morals are not laws, and laws are not morals.

I haven't actually contributed to the watch count as much as I should've, as once I watched it for the third time in one day back when it was popular, I just used a FF extension to download the 1080p .flv of it, so I could watch it at my leisure without buffering.

What's empathy, lol? <3

Your outdated ideas of courtesy are distasteful to me. And it's not that I want you to die, I'd just like you to not be a part of the same society anymore, and based on the fact that you talk like a baby boomer, death is more likely than you moving to a culturally distinct part of the world.


You sound bitter and old. Please finish living soon, so the rest of us can get on with technology.

If the kickstarter was for a one key that you could assign to any key or macro you wanted, I'd be down.


Maybe we can unify the countries once our lovely american health care system catches up.

It's funny, the society he imagined sounds like a gender-swapped version of the current power structure. Not as extreme, of course.

I've played 1650 hours of CK2. It's a damn good game.
