Paul H

Ah, Yes. As an Amerifat, I sometimes forget that there are other countries.

I suppose if you wish to stay within the realm of unquestionable legality, that Spotify is good for that.

I like Pandora better anyways. Spotify is just for people who don't want to store their own music.

Okay, but it actually does mean that.


I am glad you can't get into a fight without going to prison. I don't want to be fought.

Yes, those would be very helpful if I knew how to use a CAD program. If I wanted to lrn2sketchup I would've been fine with that. I want CAD files so I can be a lazy shit about it.

Where do we download the CAD file(s) even if we don't have the machine to print one? Cuz that might be a nice CYA

This article was okay until the last paragraph, then you got all preachy and weird about values that I'm guessing very few of the people reading this are going to have.

I can confirm your jimmies for rustled, sir.

I've only had one or two kickstarters fail on me. I've never bothered going to indiegogo, because I don't like that people can set it up so they get to keep the money that is raised even if they don't meet their funding goal.

That really sucks for Apple Phone users.

Child porn and child predators: the scare tactic of choice for people to get what they want from you. If anything could be used for child porn or if anything could protect child predators, lawyers, politicians, and governments officials will try to use it to make you agree with them. I am sooooo sick of this being the

- Youtube artist shoots [what appears to be an already broken] iPhone with a .50 BMG.

+1 for those pants

Reminds me of A Canticle for Leibowitz

So an F350 is also a Tank?

Please don't be serious. Or if you are, please educate yourself.

"high-powered assault rifles"

Ah. It's been awhile since I've looked into it, so that's probably the case.