The Logic

My brother is Navajo, his favorite NFL team is...wait for it...the Redskins. Washington Post survey found 9/10 Native Americans not offended by the Redskins nickname. I realize this is about Cleveland, but by your logic if the names are good with the people being represented it’s ok.

Good for you. Replacing one hysteria for another.

Do you even know what you wrote? “...but I think his personal experience clouds his judgement on BLM...” His judgement is clouded because he’s more in touch with reality?

Quit playing ‘race creation’

Don’t tell people what they mean when they say all lives matter and then go off on people that they don’t understand what you mean when you say black lives matter.

These analogies suck. It’s like saying ‘Black Breast Cancer Matters’. In the medical analogy the comparisons would be done between ‘lives’ and ‘[insert ailment here]’. This is because the issue in the analogy the issue is ‘breast cancer’, and the original issue is not ‘black’ it’s their lives.

Why not add the too then?

No, like someone running a fundraiser for black cancers.

You’re speaking in hyperbole and without facts.

That the name leaves it up to assumption is the problem.

White people aren’t the only people with victimhood fetishes.

Since evidence to date shows no racial bias in shootings, and insinuates that if there is it may actually be a black person is less likely to be shot wouldn’t saying black lives matter be asking for disproportional treatment and mean that you don’t know data?

So if some racists use ‘All Lives Matter’ everyone who uses it is disingenuous? If BLM protesters say ‘pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon’ and sympathizers in Dallas and Tennessee then shoot white people they are in no way a reflection of the movement?

Based on what, your feelings?

Better analogy is saying Black Broken Bones Matter and then calling people racist when they say All Broken Bones Matter.

So you have no problem claiming All Lives Matter is racist (you know what they’re thinking and what they really mean), but take issue when people say the same about Black Lives Matter (because people who criticize don’t know what it really means)?

Calling this racist is part of the problem. When someone says: