
Yes, Dutch girls, too, are forced into prostitution. About 25% of all forced women are Dutch girls, often underage.

Also, most sexworkers in Holland are already ‘underground’, dont pay taxes for example, are illegal or even worse, are sextrafficked and sitting behind the windows. The black/illegal market in most cities is bigger than the legal brothels and windows.

The Dutch take trafficking seriously and many windows in Holland have been closed, because of sextrafficking going on there. A majority in parliament is for criminalizing buyers of forced prostitutes. Its about time sex buyers are given responsibility for raping these forced women.

The sexworkers I spoke with (online and Im Dutch) dont take rape seriously. They also mock women that have been forced or are forced into prostitution or want to bring to light the reality of prostitution. Most of these ‘feminist’ sexworkers find their own rights more important than those of trafficked women. I feel

Criminalizing the sex buyers, lesgalising the selling of sex, see Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Iceland and soon, France. To combat sex trafficking the EU parliament last year endorsed that ‘Swedish model’. Legalisation attracts organized crime, as in traffickers and pimps, which results in abuses of the women. Its not

Legalisation doesnt work. Sex trafficking has risen in Amsterdam and the Netherlands in general. Windows are being closed b/c of forced prostitution going on in them. There is organized crime, window exploiters that dont stick to business regulations etc. Large black market, lots of Dutch girls forced into

I read that this 'transwoman' was not identifying as such, but as male. This was stated by several friends of him. So you should check that out.