
Yeah, I’m dumb. I admit it.

Heh, it’s an old pirate joke.

When you finally get a BFG though, he asks the first mate for his brown pants.


I like that there was a Kinja Deals ad for a “massage gun” right above this post in the feed.

I like that there was a Kinja Deals ad for a “massage gun” right above this post in the feed.

I like that there was a Kinja Deals ad for a “massage gun” right above this post in the feed.

I like that there was a Kinja Deals ad for a “massage gun” right above this post in the feed.

So, Microsoft, if you’re reading, that wishlist now also includes, ummm, uhhh, me getting one million dollars. And a pony.

Now playing

Um, lord Buckethead would like to ask you what’s wrong with that.

OK, I’ve read through this thread so I apologize for chiming in a little late here, but let me as you this: the clunky nature of some of the writing aside, how is the message or delivery much different than Orwell’s 1984? All the people suck, the message is that you can’t escape, characters are tossed aside or treated

Yeah, after the last big patch that introduced the drunk glitch, I lost progress on my quiver and oops! No more cloth, and literally it apparently only drops enough cloth to max out your quiver and do the one offering. So, since I had done that, I have a nerfed quiver and no way to get more cloth. I put the game down

It’s included on Game Pass. The review tempered my excitement to try a “real” next-gen only game, but knowing I can play it with the included subscription I’ll definitely give it a shot.

Hello, fellow semi-0ld person, haha! THAT’S what it was before Electronics Boutique and then later EB Games! Software, Etc.! I got my first force-feedback (when that was new and trademarked) joystick at that shop so I could play the hell out of Descent (2?) and X-Wing vs Tie Fighter. We never had FuncoLand in my area,

Also, does anybody remember Babbage’s? That was my (and mom’s) first experience with the concept of preordering (thanks for the heads up, old pre-blog/digital gaming magazines!). I grew up in a rural area, so the only place to get something like that was “The Mall” 45 minutes away. We hit Toys R Us, Electronics

The thumbnail for the YouTube video might as well be a photo of me and my mom at those ages. She had the same perm and glasses, and I’m pretty sure I had a jacket exactly like that.

I’ve noticed the sporadic Quick Resume, especially with Valhalla (though that’s what I’m playing the most right now). It seems to do OK quick resuming if I turn off the console or even switch to some other games, but if I launch a media app like Hulu/Netflix/Prime, it cold boots. I’m pretty OK with that since the cold

Mike or Stephen (or anyone who’s gotten their hands on one) - do either of you have a Harmony Hub or remote? I’m planning on making the Series X my primary media device, and I can’t find anything from Logitech on whether or not the Harmony series will support XSX via Bluetooth since it lacks an IR port.

I know this is Kotaku, so lots of people have every console ever and seven PCs lying around, but it bugs me when I hear people talk about “lack of exclusives” for Xbox because the PC version exists. Not everyone plays games on PC. So, if it’s on PC and Xbox, you might as well consider it an “exclusive.” In terms of

Why, then they would be acting like Americ.... ohhhh, I see what you did there.