
You’ve got to be pulling my leg if that terribly performed song was the thing that turned your opinion around. I’ve always maintained that overall, it’s one of the most textually accurate renditions of the story with a lot of wonderful humor and a number of excellent musical pieces thrown into the mix.

Then Rebel Wilson unzipped herself and stepped out of her fursuit and proceeded to consume hundreds of tiny human/cockroach composites she trained to dance for her amusement.”

“They have so much water, they don’t even know what to do with it!”

Avatar’s box office numbers were inflated for multiple reasons that had nothing to do with the quality of the film.

Maybe not Iraq II, but Three Kings is a pretty solid reflection on Iraq I.

TL;DR. The only real answer is “because nobody wants them, and it’s taken a long time to figure out how to sell an irrelevant property that was only successful for being a gimmick, gaming the box office distribution system, and the first major Western blockbuster to premiere in China.”

Oh, good, Kinja finally lets me go back to replies now so I can say I didn’t want to come across as a nitpicky jerk, just adding my experience meeting Senator Specter. And, of course, to agree that the GOP are craven, deplorable, irredeemable assholes.

Well, all I’ll say is that for years my family and I either skipped that song or fell asleep during it and were overjoyed when the newer releases excised it, ha.

I’m not that old, and this is how I was taught to type. Even using my laptop in English comp 1 in college, we were dinged if this wasn’t the stye. Word even until recently used to format it this way. It’s only pretty recent that people started saying “haha old person, you put two spaces in?” 

Never read your own comments. You should storm right out of here.

Everyone tries to make it with milk around me

Heh, did you use this video ironically, since it was a song/scene in the theatrical release that was cut from most home releases (including the current Disney+ release) because audiences hated it so much...?

No, he quite famously - evidenced by his own actual words, interviews with the people who worked with him, and the things we saw on screen - did not.

trying to gaslight the community into thinking they actually had a plan for this trilogy in the beginning

I liked the cartoon when I was a kid but I never heard any kids talking about that either.

I was about to write a comment and then someone basically gave you a rebuttal that is exactly what I was going to call out. People have an attachment to the extended works and their own head-canon.

Arlen* Specter. I actually had the opportunity to see him speak on the topic once before he retired, and he very eloquently stated that he was disgusted with the state of the Republican party and that he had always been an advocate for people, and felt the party had moved too far away from his values. And now we have

....anyone else who wants to argue with Persnickety, maybe Chomsky, Herman, and Lewis can clear things up!

Ever since leaving Jersey 20+ years ago, I cannot stand going back home and waiting for some half-stoned kid to finally make his way over to my car, and then wait another five minutes for him to finish servicing the other cars to remove the pump.

I have never once been to a gas station that has a chip reader at the pump in the states of PA, NJ, NY, MD, and all down the I-95 corridor on the east coast. I would actually find it novel and make a mental note, to be honest.