In the statement, Nunes also says he intends to sue the Daily Beast and CNN “soon after Thanksgiving,” but until papers are filed, it’s just blustering.
In the statement, Nunes also says he intends to sue the Daily Beast and CNN “soon after Thanksgiving,” but until papers are filed, it’s just blustering.
Except the map shows you the areas you can and can’t enter at any given moment, so I don’t see the problem.
He says in an early cutscene that there’s something wrong with his connection to the force, and that he has trouble meditating. It’s explained in-game.
We should separate them from their children, too, just to be sure. Also, who wouldn’t get behind a movement to have fewer kids on planes?
I don’t know what review you read, but “silly and over the top” is a pretty ridiculous takeaway.
That’s fair enough. I would say that enthusiasm or no, it’s worth a watch if you can binge on a free trial when it’s done, or if you can share someone’s login. I’d say only two episodes in, it’s already better than the first two new movies.
If you don’t like The Mandalorian, then there legitimately might be something wrong with you. I usually agree with your hot takes, but dang. Mandalorian is probably the best thing that’s come out of Star Wars in 30 years.
Hahaha I did the same thing!
“Do you know why I pulled you over?”
Zoom and enhance.
...cold, dead ears*
I’ve been saying the same about knitting needles for years.
Can you recommend any brands of chili oil? I’ve been using Tapatio hot sauce but I still have ear wax.
Nobody else is going to point out this part? OK, I will.
Someone said on another post that it’s on “hiatus” while they “consolidate the team” and “reconfigure for election season.”
If only there were a vertical dedicated to politics around here. Oh well, I guess we’ll never know what that would be like.
I said the same thing in another reply - if this was reversed, he’d be screaming about how throwing the milkshake was a joke and that it didn’t hit the victim anyway, so it’s a witch hunt.
To add to BadOmbre - she said it would be back, but they are “reconfiguring for the election” whatever that means*.
If it was the other way around, Gaetz would be saying he can’t be punished because he didn’t actually hit her, and besides, it was a joke anyway. Republican logic is obviously always superior.
The Barf Bag is on a minor hiatus while we fold in our awesome new staff writers and reconfigure it to the election! It will be back soon.