The Ultimate Matrix Collection?
The Ultimate Matrix Collection?
Sadly, my mom is still in the dark ages. And sometime tomorrow while we are all waiting to eat some tasty food, my mom will say:
I have no sypathy for diptards like this. He needs a big helping of humble pie.
@hawkeye18 - SHO fanatic: "I was distracted by that giant flying..."
@Dominic5521: Give that man a cigar!
Oops, one must have fallen on the floor, the one that says:
I assume I can attach a magnet instead of a hook, allowing me to ascend to the under belly of an Imperial Walker.
Streaming makes up for it now. But back in the old days, I would periodically hold on to 3 DVDs for six months.
Stay away from this thing.
Party at ground zero
@wildcardjack: You would not use it for that. That distance would be so short, you could just whip out your tape.
@Victor V.: I'm on a horse.
@Eggyhead85: It's no glitch. It's just a clever avatar designed to increase user interest in clicking the third heart.
@Morgan Carpenter: OK, I'm in your boat. Totally agree.
@Joel Johnson: I thought you projecting the image of a white door onto an even larger dog.
@Morgan Carpenter: Now you're just being silly. In fact, you are the hype generator. Right here:
@Sidetalker: You would not believe the stories I get. People will just stare at that thing, completely mystified at what is going on with those stars.
@Lübnäh: has taken your moment of zen hostage: Does that mean that my FF3 is running as slow as FF2 right now?
@Mike_TeeVee: Sounds like a tip for Lifehacker.