
I hate RealD glasses almost as much as I hate movies presented in 3D. Perhaps if Polaroid comes up with better glasses design, I will be able to tolerate the experience a little better.

@destryer: That is true. Hurry up and wait!

@mms1648: I'm a new owner of a used Macbook Pro unibody.

@Neale Petrillo: Not all SSD models are that much faster. Some are very fast, some not.

I work mostly on a desktop, so less heat and less power are not as attractive as the speed benefit of SSD.

@RGLarson: I will check that out. I got a starter set from Pimsleur, just 4 discs.

You want me to shoot my pet?

@Haruspex: You make a good argument.

@RawlsRorty: Thank you for pointing that out.

I am inspired to do some real learning. I recently learned how to juggle and how to solve a Rubik's cube. Perhaps now I will learn some Cantonese.

I look forward to this. I have an iPhone 4 and my wife has an iPad, but I would love to get into Android and this looks like a great little gadget.

Dear Citizens of the Internet,

@Turtle Wexler: The greatest line of reasoning in movie history.

I prefer to treat women with greater dignity than that, which is why I always use the article "the" on those occasions when I am referring to "the females".

Lucky guy. I have spent my whole life trying to get vagina.

@Not-Shattered: I've been around so long they just keep promoting me hoping that I will retire.

The letter is gonna look great when he is up for parole.