
Inverted Penis We Trust.


I’m sorry I read that five times and have no idea what you’re trying to say.

As a white person raised by white people I can promise you a lot of us treat our own kids like shit too.

The trolls can’t stay away; We own them like the slaves they lust after.

Obtuse assholes linking me to “black on black crime” in response can get fucked.

That was Brock Turner. Labrie’s ongoing relationship with steak remains unknown.

I was at the garage today (and ended up having to buy a whole new set of tires- yay) and CNN was on. I seriously forgot how annoying it was to hear 45's voice. I usually just read the transcripts of whatever dumb thing he has said- but it was on the TV in the waiting room and I couldn’t avoid it. So much yelling and

I don’t care if I bothered you. It changed my life.[....] Have some compassion.

His supporters won’t care. They don’t care about other countries unless there is oil that they can steal.

Just more evidence that American politics is less about ideas and beliefs than it is about tribalism.

Christ, did they plate that in 1989?

I don’t know if you can remove it, but you can certainly not click on it, not read it, and not comment on it.

All this delayed the flight 2 hours. It takes 4 to drive to St. Louis. They should have drove.

He didn’t throw a tantrum, he was frightened by three large dudes laying hands on. Frankly, my fear response is throwing hands, so his fearful screaming as he was thrown into an armrest is admirable restraint.

I’ll never fly Dairy Queen again!

Shut the fuck up, you blithering, ignorant shitglutton.

You do realize that the girl was 10 years old? Do you expect her to wear a tiny business suit?

Just imagine the Hall of President’s in some near future where instead of quoting something which made the President famous, animatronic Trump recites some of his most well-known Tweets