Ok, perhaps the best thing you can do is NOT compare the treatment of the Irish to the treatment of blacks, because this is two whole different discussions.
Ok, perhaps the best thing you can do is NOT compare the treatment of the Irish to the treatment of blacks, because this is two whole different discussions.
It’s weird because I’m Irish in Ireland here and certainly there have been tremendous hardships, oppression, famine, mass emigration and so on but....I have never heard what the Irish endured termed as “slavery” so I’m not sure where this comes from? Also it’s not tragedy Olympics for god’s sake, it’s stupid to try…
these are the guys that hit on me the bars
I’m 40 and we are getting ready to try for a pregnancy. The shock on our families faces is really bringing me down. Advanced maternal age sounds like I’m using a walker. Same as you I’m in better health now, financially secure, not exhausted at all, and I always assume people with kids are older than me.
My first reaction to a baby announcement is nothing. I don’t get excited - how could I be excited? What do I know? A baby could be terrible news for this particular woman/family - and I don’t get sad for the same reason. I hear it for what it is, a fact. Like a weather announcement. People think that’s really cold,…
I’m 36 and about 8 weeks pregnant. I’ve had one “let’s get this started” meeting with the obgyn’s office and I’m already sick of being treated like I’m an elderly anomaly. I’m in better health now than when I was 20 tbh, it bothers me when they assume that I’m somehow falling apart and my bones are turning to dust.
I know there are plenty of age 37-plus women out there feeling as nervous as I was about having kids a little late in the game. I know I’d have liked to have heard a positive experience from someone then, so here’s mine now for you.
I am 41 and planning/ hoping to get pregnant this year. It isn’t like I prioritized my career or was ambivalent about having a baby; I just wasn’t in the right relationship to have a child & I didn’t want to be a single mother.
There’s been a recent baby boom among my friends. Four of them aged between 36 and 39 have either had babies recently or are pregnant now. I’m also 39; I had my one and only child just shy of my 27th birthday. It’s awesome for all of them, as a couple of them have struggled with fertility issues for some time. I will…
What sometimes gets left out of stories about the dangers of women giving birth at older ages is the fact that a lot of the problems have more to do with the age of the men than the women.
This is probably true in general.
I dated a guy who was accused of rape at the age of 15. We didn’t meet until he was 25 or so and I was 22. He told me the whole story in detail + my best friend is married to his best friend and the husband was around when this all went down and also contributed to the telling of the story. To sum it up, his parents…
Feel the need to rant.
I would have thought Colonel Sanders would be a breast man.