
I felt alone here in the Boston area as I clamored to trade Thomas before the all-star break. If I have a max contract to give out, and my choice is either Kyrie or IT, I’m going with Kyrie without hesitation.

It all depends on how IT’s hip injury recovers. He’s a guy who needs speed and explosiveness to be viable in the NBA, if he’s lost a step his value is low. The 2018 draft pick has potential to be a great asset, but he could also blow. Could be a good deal for the Cavs, or it could turn out they got fleeced.

In ESPN’s defense, the guy does look just like a confederate general.

Dressing nice is good for just about any non-athletic event, you never know who you may run into.

Germany has advanced technology!

Fake News. #SwitchesUsePs4Controllers

That comment on her post about how the men in the administration deserve to have “gorgeous women” on their arms is so repulsive. People are insane

Tackles involve arms being wrapped. This was a hit.

So, should i play this?

I need to make a few fake accounts just to give you more stars. Absolutely horrifying, yet still an improvement over Bannon’s current appearance. Good job!

It will never make sense

Ever looked at the population of Kenya compared to somewhere that plays baseball? like korea or japan perhaps.

so wrong. because one nba player was 5'7" and could dunk, therefore anyone who is 5'7" could theoretically dunk? Are you insane? We aren’t talking people facing pedro martinez, we are talking batting practice pitches. Way more people will get lucky and hit one out than would ever dunk not matter how much training

One of the silliest questions of all time. Most people who can dunk, could also hit a home run if given enough swings and pitches to hit.

Thanks for your input

Blame the carpenter, not the tool.


You’re all fired up

Ohhhhh ok. Nazis didn’t do this. My bad troll boy

Getting rid of a statue isn’t re-writing history. It’s ending the glorification of a culture willing to destroy the United States of America so they can keep their precious slaves. The history remains.